Warning Spoilers below
Audrey Parker
Audrey Parker played by Emily Rose |
A former
FBI officer. She is now a police officer in the town of Haven. Audrey showed up around the same
time as the troubles, which wreak havoc on the town. She helps troubled people, inflicted with inhuman abilities they can't control. For some reason she’s immune
to the troubles. Thinking her mother is from Haven she searches for information about her and learns that she's been in Haven before as Lucy Ripley in the 80s and Sarah Vernon in the 50s. Both were young, looked exactly like she does, and helped
troubled people. As Sarah she had a son, who was killed when she was Lucy but as
Audrey she learns he’s still alive (and young). She also learns that she has an
existing Audrey Parker’s memories she has never really worked with the FBI. But
Nathan Wuornos, her police partner a man who loves her, whom she loves,
has never cared about that. He of course doesn’t want her to go in the barn, a mystical place both Sarah and Lucy went into and then the troubles stopped for 27 years.
But Audrey cares so much for the people of Haven she wants to stop the troubles
that have killed so many people even if it means Audrey Parker will die.
Nathan Wuornos
Nathan Wuornos
played by Lucas Bryant |
chief, Nathan's trouble is that he can’t physical feel but for some reason he
can feel Audrey his police partner. His father, the former police chief who
died in Season 1, kept secrets from him about his work with Lucy, a prior
personality of Audrey's. Nathan is still trying to figure out the troubles. Throughout
Season 1-3 Audrey and Nathan have been denying their romantic feelings for each other. He met his most recent X, Jordon, when he went undercover as a member of the guard, a group that protects
troubled people at any cost.
Her trouble is inflicting extreme pain when she touches anyone but Nathan can’t
feel it. Jordon is willing
to do anything, even kidnap a little girl to make sure Audrey goes in “the barn”,
so the troubles go away. But Nathan doesn't want Audrey to go in the barn because then he'll lose her.
James Cogan
.png) |
James Cogan |
Born in 1955 James is biological son of Sarah Vernon (One of
Audrey’s personalities) and Nathan Wuornos (who travel back to 1955 in Season 3 and conceived him there)
He was adopted by the Cogans in 1955. In the 1980s shortly after his marriage
to Arla he went looking for his mother in Haven and found Lucy Ripley (One of
Audrey’s personalities). While in Haven he was murdered and buried. To this day
no one knows who murdered him. But Lucy believed he could be brought back to
life by the barn, which isn't simply a barn, so she brought him there. James was healed and returned when
Audrey was supposed to go back in the barn in Season 3. James’ wife Arla also
returned to find her husband. She had been unable to go into the barn in the
1980s because her trouble had started and her skin had fallen off. For the last
27 years she had been killing and skinning people and wearing their skins most
recently to gain information on where James was, deceiving those in Haven
including Audrey. She also murdered people and took pieces from them to
recreate her original self for James. But James found what she’d done despicable
and when Arla attacked Audrey, blaming her for “ruining everything” James got in
the way and was killed instead. So Audrey and Nathan left him in the barn to
heal him.
Duke Crocker
Duke Crocker
played by Eric Balfour |
owns the restaurant “The Gull”. He lives on a boat, the same boat he uses to
smuggle ‘boxes’. He doesn’t know what’s in these boxes. Against his better
judgment of simply staying out of it he has been helping Audrey and Nathan help
people who are troubled. Audrey trusts him but Nathan, who has been burned by
Duke when he was younger, carries a grudge that, even though they work together
civilly, comes out at times. In Season two everyone was surprised to learn that
Duke, the major player, was married to Evelyn, who for reasons unknown Duke
feels betrayed by and therefore doesn’t trust. He has good reason for Evelyn,
Evi, lies to him during the Season, and when she tries to tell him the truth
she’s killed by Reverend Driscal’s men. Duke later learns that Reverend Driscal
knows about Duke’s family’s trouble: when blood touches his skin, his eyes turn
silver and he has incredible strength and if he kills a troubled person their
entire family is rid of that trouble. “Kill the man, kill the trouble” The Reverend
calls it and wants Duke to kill people for him to rid the town of the troubles, thinking it's his duty to ride the town of troubled people, as a man of God.
Duke's father, Simon did this and left a journal. But Duke doesn’t want to pick up
where his father left off, which was trying to kill Lucy (A past personality of
Audrey), who killed him instead. Duke would rather help people as he’s come to
actually enjoy doing. A sweet bad boy type he made a play for Audrey before
Nathan and his friendship with her almost turned into something more one night
in Colorado. In love with Audrey Duke doesn’t want her to go into “the barn”
Dwight Hendrickson
Dwight Hendrickson
played by Adam Copeland |
The cleaner, he cleans up the messes that the troubles leave behind and gets those who caused them to a safe place until the troubles are gone. Working closely with the police he is often behind the scenes but lately as things have gotten more challenging he’s been playing a larger part. He has a trouble that makes him a bullet magnet. The guard, a group that protects those who are troubled brought him to Haven to give him a safe place to be troubled. But the guard did something stupid that caused his daughter’s death and now he doesn’t do what the guard wants but makes his own choices as to how to proceed often taking order from Vince. While he wants the troubles to go away, he doesn’t think Audrey should suffer to make that happen.
Dave and Vincent "Vince" Teagues
Dave Teagues
played by John Dunworth |
constantly bickering brothers have owned the Haven Harold, the town’s newspaper for over 50 years. They
use the newspaper not only to share the news but share stories that cover up
the troubles. Together they hold more history of Haven between them than the
rest of the town combined knowing not only the history that the old men have
lived through, namely Sarah and Lucy’s history in Haven, but also knowing the
ancient history of the town. This includes their knowledge of the troubles as
they helped both Sarah and Lucy when Audrey’s former personalities were in
Haven and have researched the town’s history extensively. Dave and Vince have
often helped Audrey and Nathan sharing history of the troubles but they aren’t
always forthcoming about what they know, often keeping secrets they think
Audrey is better off not knowing.
Vincent, "Vince" Teagues
played by Richard Donat |
In Season 3 it’s revealed that Vincent, to Dave’s surprise is the leader of the guard, a group that protects those who are troubled and will go to any lengths to protect their own at the expense of anyone else. On his arm Vince has a tattoo of four people standing around a circle. It shows up and disappear at his will. This "four person tattoo" is on the arm of anyone else who joins the guard. As the guard’s leader, Vincent wants Audrey to go in the barn to protect all that are troubled. But Dave doesn’t think it’s right to force Audrey into the barn.
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