Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm Back...and it's about time

It's been awhile since I posted, I know. I got really busy and then Google bought So, I couldn't enter the site unless I had a Google e-mail account. But until I graduated (I will at the end of this month from college-yeah) I didn't see any reason to have many many e-mail accounts. I like to keep things simple as long as it's my life. Other, fictional people's lives I don't mind making complicated. Anyway as I said before I am graduating from College. Things have changed a little since last time I posted. I decided to double major. I know, my junior year is not the time to double major, hence the being busy. But now I have a backup to writing. I know in the industry that's frowned upon by people who think they're worth their weight in gold but I don't deal with stress, monetary stress, well. So I declared myself a Business major as well as my prior declared major of Creative writing.
Now thinking about College I wish I had done things differently, especially since I am finding it almost imposable to get into the grove of getting a job. In school everyone always told me what to do now I have no least nothing that can promise me results as school implied it would. It frustrates me a lot.
If I had gone a different way I would have majored in a science Field gone into research probably partly because I don't think I have a good bedside manner and they say you can't learn that. Also I love research, trying new things, thinking outside of the box, hence why I am a writer. Actually I like to go over the same old stories but in new and interesting ways.
Or If I had gone a different way I could have gone into psychology and used that in my writing. I could have done history and used that in my writing, especially history before the English language (in any form), that is awesome.
Anyway now I have to face the reality that I'm not going to be doing something I love for at least five years because I kind of went to the wrong school in order to write for TV in a writer's room. What I would really like to do is write Science fiction for TV. Or become a consultant for a troubled TV show tackling the lean dimensions that are necessary to create a successful television show; such as character uniqueness, character interaction,and setting, language, characters, and plot that audiences can relate to. Often I have found that the most damming errors are; not allowing the audience to get attached to the characters, (this is for Drama's or scripted TV) because there is no information about them, beyond their current actions, and another damming error is in plot; the plot being too thick (thus the audience is not able to understand it) or too thin (thus the audience has nothing to really cling to, in terms of content). Perhaps I will share some more of my thoughts on Television.