S6 E8 “The Day everyone forgot.” – When Sam accidentally ends up in 1983 Audrey and James are left in a Haven where Duke leads Driscoll’s men, who kill the troubled.
Previously on Haven;
In the town of Haven people have supernatural abilities that can cause death and destruction (often unintended). A young woman with a mysterious connection to these abilities, which the town calls troubles, comes to Haven every 30 years to help the town. Every time she has a different personality and no memory of the time before. This time, her name is Audrey Parker, a former FBI agent turned police detective. Only there’s another Audrey Parker, the real one. Haven’s Audrey only has her memories. And having spent time in Haven she’s come to remember being Lucy before, and Sarah before that. She’s married her police partner Nathan Warnous and they have a baby girl, Danielle. Violence has erupted against the troubled families (it runs in families). A Church group run by the former Reverend Driscoll sought to destroy the troubled. But the new Reverend, Reverend Samantha Lewis-Crocker wants peace…Over 30 years ago the Colorado kid was killed, and Audrey, when she was Lucy was there. Lucy was being hunted by Simon Crocker (The Reverend’s Father-in-Law). No one knew how Sarah killed him or the Colorado kid was killed because everyone forgot that day. And the Colorado kid was Sarah’s son, James. Thankfully James was resurrected by the barn, a mystical place where Audrey spends time between personalities. Now he's in Haven with Audrey and his father Nathan (James was unintentionally conceived during a time travel incident). But still, no one knows who killed the Colorado kid, even James. And why does no one remember?
Early in the morning, a man jogs down the street, sweat drips down his face as he holds his stomach in pain, suddenly he collapses and water pours out his mouth.
Inside the drain of a sink washes down blood like liquid. Sam walks into the main room of the Cape Rough her hair short and red. She turns to Duke, “What do you think?”
Duke smiles, “You really did it?” He says looking at his wife, who used to be a dirty blond.
Walking up to him as he sits and reads she says, “I said I was going to.” She stares at him, in love with him.
He feels her hair in his fingertips, “It’s certainly different.” He says a smile on his face as if it will make things interesting.
She chuckles, “I’m meeting the church group this morning,” She says going over to put her bag on her shoulder and leave she adds, “I thought different was in order.” Turning back to Duke before she leaves she tells him, “Your speech made them agree to this. I think you should talk to them.”
Duke shakes his head, “No, those blood thirsty sharks are on their own.”
Looking at him with a cheeky smile Sam tells Duke, “Christ said some pretty nasty things about the Pharisees.”
Duke responds, “Yeah and they killed him for it.” He says referring to the book, one of Sam’s he’s reading.
Sam steps up to him and resting against him she says with a sexy manner, “Yeah… well you might be able to get in some of that thrill seeking you’ve been missing.”
Duke chuckles and holding her says, “You know me so well.” But when he kisses her instead of agreeing to talk to the church group she pats him on the chest and asks him to think about it.
He nods, revealing he will and asks her to be careful kissing her one last time.
Looking at him lovingly as she leaves she agrees to be careful.
Sam walking to the Good Shepard church passes Audrey on the way to the station in the morning. Audrey notices Sam’s new red hair and is surprised by it. She wants to ask about it but there’s a case. They agree to meet for lunch.
Audrey and Nathan arrive at the crime scene, where the jogger’s body is laying on the ground, water still dripping out of his mouth. As they learn his name is Douglas Gates they investigate the clues they acknowledge it’s probably a trouble. Audrey tells Nathan that she made plans to meet Sam for lunch if that’s okay.
Just then Audrey suddenly sees the town change in front of her eyes, children are playing out in the yards. There’s more laughter and happiness. She asks Nathan if he saw that. He, standing in front of her dressed differently than before hasn’t but James calls Audrey’s cell and tells her, “Something really strange is going on here.”
Audrey nods, “Yeah. I think I have an idea what? I’ll get Danielle (her baby daughter) meet you at the park. See if you can reach Sam.”
In 1983, Sam walks into the police station and up to a desk in the main room approaching a young detective, “Detective Warnous,” She asks desperately, “I’m Samantha Lewis Crocker from the future and I need your help.”
Act I
In 1983, Sam with bright red hair walks into the interrogation room, saying “thank you for believing me” as she’s followed by the young detective Warnous. But when he locks the door behind him Sam hearing it turns to him confused, “You don’t believe me.” She says as if a question she already knows the answer to.
Warnous giving her a smug look asks, “A woman comes into a police station and says she’s from the future. Would you believe you?”
“You know about the troubles detective Warnous, that’s why I came to you. A trouble sent me back in time and if I don’t get back home the future will change and not necessarily in a good way.”
His face shows that he understand the gravity of the situation, “Tell me what happened?”
Sam flashes back to the meeting with the church group. People are gathered, the air is thick with tension as people are riled up in anger.
Sam narrates, “I was meeting with Church people. I‘m compassion training the church group, people who were riled up by Reverend Driscoll to kill the troubled.”
At the meeting a man stands angry, “I lost my daughter to the troubled. And Alex lost her son, Maria her mother.”
Warnous asks, “People were angry?”
Sam nodding with a shrug turns to Warnous, “It went really well actually. My job at the beginning is to listen until they stop being angry only then can they listen.”
At the meeting Sam acknowledges the pain and suffering and that they are motivated to stop it. She narrates, “Food helps too. The hotter the better.”
Warnous is impressed with her methods.
As Sam narrates the events occur in the scene, “I was leaving the meeting when I walked through the door I found myself on the street. The news stand said it was 1983 so I came to you.”
“Heightened emotions can affect troubles.” Warnous points out.
“There was Stuart Mosley, he could send people in time but he’s dead.”
“Troubles run in families. I’ll check into finding a Mosley.”
Sam nods, “Thank you, he had a son, Robert.”
Just as Warnous nods someone knocks on the door. Warnous tells them to come in. Sam thinking to herself looks down at the table in front of her sighing. But then she hears the voice of the person at the door saying, “Wanted to check in see if you had anything more.” Sam looks up to see that it’s Lucy.” Sam didn’t want Lucy to see her, because if she does, since Audrey remembers her life as Lucy, she would know she was in Haven in 1983.
“Not about your case but we have a troubled case,” Warnous says and refers to Sam who is still stunned at the idea of meeting Lucy- but there’s no way out of this situation. Lucy stands at the door.
Warnous begins to Introduce Lucy but is cut off when Sam says, “Lucy Ripley.”
Lucy is shocked. Sam fills her in, “I know a lot about you.”
Lucy’s stunned with a little attitude she asks, “And you are?”
“Sam, Samantha Lewis, the future Reverend of Haven.”
Warnous is surprised at her title whispering, “Reverend” and adds looking to Lucy, “Sam is from the future.”
Sam looks to Lucy saying, “We think, as far as I know it could be an alternate dimension, I did walk through a door and end up here.” Suddenly Sam realizes it’s good the Lucy has seen her. She looks to her and says, “If only the future could tell, someone notice a difference and let me know talking to the Mosley’s is the right thing.”
“Well, I’ve got to find one first.” Warnous says and walks out of the room.
Just then a letter appears before Sam in permanent marker, saying ‘you are in the future. Find Robert Mosley. I’ll see you soon.’ It’s signed, “you know who.” Sam smiles.
“What?” Lucy asks.
“We need to find Robert.” Sam says holding up the letter.
“That’s my writing.” Lucy says.
Sam nods, “Yeah. I said I knew you.”
In the present Audrey stands on the porch of an older man, Danielle is strapped to her front, James with her. The older man asks, “Can I help you with something.”
Audrey putting the permanent marker into her jacket says, “No, thanks we found what we needed.”
The man stares at her saying, “You look familiar like someone I knew.”
Audrey nods, “Yeah, I have one of those faces.”
Audrey and James walk back to the car. James comments, “Robert didn’t remember helping you.”
“It’s time travel, they only remember forward not when they send things backward.”
“It was smart sending the note,” James says.
“Let’s see what else happened?” She gets on her cell phone putting it on speaker as she calls Nathan.
James questions “Else?” Something else has changed.
“I have a nicer car.” Audrey says.
Nathan answers with “Warnous.”
“Nathan, um I seem to have lost my car keys....” She pauses but it’s not long before Nathan says, “I’ll bring the spare. How’s Danielle.”
“Good, I’m going to bring her to the station if that’s okay.”
“Yeah.” Nathan says gleefully, “I’ll see you soon.” He says
“Thank you.” She says and they both hang up.
James, leaning against the car, looks across the top to Audrey, “Sam’s back?”
Audrey shakes her head, “Not quite.” She leans against the car, looking to James, “Things didn’t go well.”
In 1983 Lucy, Warnous and Sam are waiting in the park, Lucy questions Sam, “I don’t understand why you can’t tell me about the future.”
“Because it’s the future not the present.” Sam says quickly changing the subject, “Robert Mosley agreed to meet us at noon.” Sam asks?
Warnous nods, “During his lunch break, said he wanted to help.”
“He’s late.” Lucy points out.
“Probably just running late.” Warnous says not concerned.
Just then as they are waiting for Robert, the air filled with tension someone comes up behind them. He places a gun at Lucy’s head. It’s Simon Crocker. Sam pushes him aside just before the gun goes off. The bullet misses Lucy, stripping off some of her hair. Warnous pulls out his gun and aims it at Simon, Simon’s gun on Warnous they are at a draw.
“Get out of here Lucy!” Warnous tells her.
“I’m not leaving you.” Lucy says.
Simon eyes Lucy to move his gun towards her when Sam yells, “Simon stop!”
Simon is alert. Warnous holds his gun on Simon. As Simon holds is gun on Warnous. “How do you know me?” Simon asks.
Stepping up to him Sam, between him and Lucy says, “I know your son…Duke.”
Under his breath “Lewis-Crocker.” Warnous says, making the connection.
“You were a crappy father to him.” Sam says to Simon.
Simon takes a step forward defending his honor, “What I do is for Duke to make a better future.”
Sam calmly says, “I know. I’m from one of the families you helped. But killing Audrey,” Sam says gesturing to Lucy confusion appears on Warnous’ face as Sam continues, “her death won’t stop the troubles.”
“It will end them.” Simon says insistent. As he speaks Robert Mosley comes up and watches afraid, only seeing Simon, a hedge hiding Sam Simon continues, “She’s not even Lucy Ripley. Not really.” He turns to Warnous, ‘Did you know that?” Then he turns to Lucy, “Did you?” Both seem to know. Simon continues, “Lucy Ripley lives in Boston on 24 Elm Street.”
Sam shakes her head stepping up close to Simon, her back towards Robert “I know how the troubles end.” Sam says.
Simon sees a clear shot to Lucy and says, “With her death.” He points the gun at her and pulls the trigger but before the bullet escapes Robert blinks and Simon disappears.
Shocked, Lucy and Sam look around. They see Robert run away.
“Robert.” Sam yells, fear in her eyes that the future will forever be altered.
In the present Audrey with baby Danielle strapped to her chest is with Nathan at the Morgue’s office as they look over the body. Suddenly Nathan changes, he’s haggard, hasn’t shaved.
The morgue attendant explains “the man died from hyponatremia not drowning.”
“Over hydrating.” Nathan says, “Like he drank too much.”
The ME nods showing them the evidence explaining the symptoms are heat stroke; headache, diahria, and nausea. “I’ve already told Duke.” He says and the ME scampers out.
Nathan sighs annoyed he grabs his face frustrated, “We have to find out who did this.” Nathan says and turns to Audrey. Seeing her with a baby, he asks, “Where did you get a baby?”
“Nathan.” Audrey says shocked, “You don’t remember her?”
Nathan shakes his head, “No, if you care about her you need to hide her. Duke’s going to be on us about finding this troubled person.”
“Duke?” Audrey questions, “Why should I be worried about Duke?”
James at the Gull is alone and the building is decorated with photos of a group, showing killings of the troubled. With membership on the walls and Duke as their top gun executing the troubled. He’s also chief of police, standing next to Simon and the Reverend Driscoll with his new badge.
Act II
Nathan and Audrey exit the station, “There’s another time travel trouble.” He whines, walking away from her upset.
Following him Audrey says, “Yes” Seeing Nathan distant and cold, “What happened to you Nathan?” she asks and approaches him with romantic affection.
He presses her away, “We agreed after I got my memories back that we wouldn’t be involved. They’re using us Audrey to find and kill the troubled. Every connection, they use against us.” Seeing Audrey has trouble accepting this truth he continues, “They killed Daniel.”
Audrey backs away upset. She understands the gravity of the situation.
Nathan insists, “You need to take the baby back to her mother.” He says dragging her along.
“Nathan” Audrey pleads with him, “I am her mother.”
Nathan stops and turns to her. She turns to him, “you’re her father. She’s immune to the troubles like me so when things change back she’ll be alone. She’s just a baby.”
Stunned, Nathan looks at baby Danielle and smiles happily he kisses baby Danielle on the forehead. Baby Danielle giggles.
Just then there’s a sound of someone approaching. Nathan pulls out his gun, “Get out of Haven. Take her someplace safe. I’ll cover for you. Find Dwight, he’s with a group in the old jewel mines, they can lead you out.”
Audrey insists she won’t leave without him.
The footsteps clear the corner, and it’s James.
Nathan seeing James pulls down his gun and approaches him upset, “We told you to leave Haven, you left.”
“That was in another timeline.” James says, “Where I’m from I’m Haven PD.”
“Take her?” Audrey asks James. She pulls off the straps of the baby carrier, “If you left, they won’t be looking for you.” James nods and puts on the baby carrier, as Audrey continues handing him a baby bag, “Take her to Dwight in the Jewel mines, you’ll both be safe.”
“Mom,” James says, “Duke is chief and kills the troubled. Simon Crocker is alive.”
“I know.” Audrey says, “Go to Dwight. Find Robert, you have to get Simon back to his time. You’re the only one that can.”
James nods, with baby Danielle strapped to him he runs off.
Audrey turns to Nathan, “We’re going to help this man, whoever caused this trouble. Heal him.”
Nathan nods, sighs happily, “That’s the woman I feel in love with.” He looks to her lovingly and kisses her deeply.
Moments later, as they are still kissing deeply someone sees them from afar. Then Audrey and Nathan are knocked out.
Audrey and Nathan are tied up in chairs in the Chief’s office. Duke paces around them, “I always thought you hated each other.” He says annoyed that he wasn’t kept in the loop, “I saw you two.”
“You’ve never heard of angry sex,” Audrey says callously.
Duke laughs, “Well then, you two won’t mind having sex.”
“What?” Nathan says.
“It’s been theorized.” Duke says, referring to a scared Vince and Dave outside the office, “That if the two of you had a child, he would be immune to the troubles and able to heal. So you’ll do that.”
“Or what?” Audrey says, “You’ll kill someone I care about. You already did that.”
Duke chuckles, “Yes, I have. No threats this time, just patience. You’ll have plenty of time together, working on the hyponatremia case. You’ll find the troubled person and bring him to me.”
“How are we supposed to do that when everyone is too afraid to talk to us?’ Audrey asks.
Duke points to the files out in the main office, “Do it like you always do. Look through the psych profiles, we did them for this reason.” With a wave of his hand, Duke calls over Vince and Dave and says, “Vince and Dave will help.”
In the Jewel mines Ben tells Dwight he’s not going to believe what they found and revealing James he introduces him as, “A man with a baby.”
Dwight approaches James, knows him, “James what are you doing here?”
“Do you know about Stuart Mosely, his trouble?”
“Yes, Robert and Carley Mosely are down here helping the troubled escape.”
“Good, we’re going to need them.”
In the police station Audrey, Nathan, Vince, and Dave are looking through the files. Vince turns to Audrey, “We’re sorry Audrey” Vince says.
Dave adds, “We had to tell them about the possibility of a child.”
Audrey places her hand on Dave’s in comfort says, “It’s okay.”
Dave and Vince look at her curiously, confused about her actions.
Nathan turns to Audrey, “Audrey, you're being kind to the men who killed James.”
Audrey looks up to Vince and Dave, “You two?” Audrey is startled, shaking in shock, “You were there when he was born.”
Dave sniveling says, “We didn’t mean to hurt him.”
Vince argues, “We thought capturing him was the only way to get you into the Barn.”
Audrey breaths deeply lost in her thoughts, upset as Nathan says, “Yeah, we’ve heard your excuses before.”
Suddenly Audrey calms turns to Vince and Dave and says, “Thank you.”
They are taken a back, especially Nathan.
Audrey looks to them, “James is alive because he was in the barn. If he wasn’t here Danielle wouldn’t be safe.” She says.
“Who’s Danielle?” Dave asks. Nathan puts his hand on Audrey’s.
Audrey shakes her head saying, “I think it’s all working out towards good.”
Just as she says that Simon enters the station and walks into Duke’s office. Dave and Vince quickly go back to work afraid of him. Nathan watches him, knowing he’s the enemy.
In 1983 at a coffee shop a waitress (The guilt ridden woman from Episode 1) tells Vince and Dave, “There’s the man you’re looking for. He can help you with what you need.” She points to a man, sitting alone at a table, his back towards them. But his arm clearly has the guard tattoo. Vince and Dave place a picture of James down on the table asking a mysterious man, pick him up tonight, before he leaves.
In the present, Simon in Duke’s office sits with his feet up on Duke’s desk taking a swig of his beer, “The council is pleased, you’ve caught a hyperhidrosis trouble.”
“Hyponatremia trouble.” Duke corrects.
“Whatever…” Simon says and smiles. “This could make us a pretty penny with the military for dessert warfare.”
“Hyponatremia kills people,” Duke says annoyed with his father.
“It could save people. I’ve finally convinced the council to exploit the troubled people. We’re thinking we could sell it to the military for dessert warfare.” Looking to Audrey he says, “She finds more, and we will benefit.” he says rubbing his thumb together with his other finger, making the money gesture.
Duke leans against a file folder upset.
Simon warns him, “You’re not losing your nerve again, Duke.”
Duke insistent says, “We shouldn’t be villainizing the troubles. Things were better when chief Warnos was alive.”
Simon turns to Duke upset, warning him; “If Driscoll’s men hear you talking like this, they won’t hesitate to kill you.”
In the mines, Dwight, Ben, Robert, and Carley talk with James. Everyone is looking at James as Ben says, “That’s quite a story.” As if skeptical.
Robert says, “I remember it.” Dwight and Ben look to him surprised, Robert continues, “I sent Simon to Lucy Ripley’s 24 Elm Street Boston.” I panicked.
“And he didn’t come back to Haven till after Lucy was in the barn?” James asks.
“The day she went into the barn,” Robert says.
James nods, “The troubles only work whenever she’s around.”
“If your world is the alternative,” Ben says to James, “We have to change this back.”
Dwight stoically says, “I agree.”
Carley steps up, “Robert will send me to Simon I’ll send him back.”
Robert turns to Carley concerned and questions, “What if you can’t get back?”
“I don’t have to, we’re just going to change time again anyway, to help this Sam person. I’m tried of this life Robert, I lost my family.” The look on Robert’s face confirms he knows she’s right. Carley turns to James, “Everything will change so you’ll have to explain this all again.”
James nods, baby Danielle strapped to his chest.
Carley turns to Robert ready, Robert turns to Carley.
As she leaves James warns her, “Don’t let him see you.”
Carley shows up in Boston at 24 Elm Street, James voice echoes in her head, “Don’t let him see you.”
Watching as Simon goes into an apartment lead by a woman, Carley’s disappointed.
Inside the apartment Simon thanks the woman for the tea.
She says, “You’re welcome, you said you’re from a town called Haven in Maine, you know something about a woman impersonating me.” This woman is the real Lucy Ripley.
“Yes, she’s on the run. Some very bad people are after her. I can help her. Have you seen her? She may have come to you.”
The woman looks right at Simon and shakes her head, “No, I haven’t.” With sympathy she says, “I hope that she’s alright.”
Simon nods and unconvincingly says, “Me too.”
Carley watches as Simon exits the apartment. Once the door is closed, looking around she sends him back to the day he left, he looks over a field and seeing the town below he says, “I’m back.”
Audrey in the police station with Nathan, Dave, and Vince, watches Simon through the window of the chief’s office as he disappears. Duke’s in a different place in the office for Simon was never there.
“That’s it,” Audrey says annoyed.
In the Jewel mines Dwight stands with Ben leaning over a map saying, “Duke’s got men here. You’ll need to get the troubled out another way.” He points to the map.
James confused asks, “Why did so little change?”
Dwight seeing James calls out “James, what are you doing here?”
James looks up as he thinks deeply. He sees Ben, a giant scar across his face and flashes back to 1983, as he lay dying he sees Ben with the giant scar.
Grabbing Ben, he says, “You have to go back to 1983. You have to make the timeline right again.”
In the police station Audrey looks at the HPD computers for the front page news from 1983. On the date where the Colorado Kid picture should be it shows the picture of Vince and Dave arrested for the murder of James.
Nathan questions her, “How is this going to help with the hyponatremia case?”
Duke comes out of his office. Audrey nervous says, “We thought that some articles would help with the case.”
Duke nods, “Okay, whatever works. Let me know what I can do.” He says and heads out.
Audrey is confused.
Vince excited says, “I don’t think he’s Driscoll’s man anymore.”
Dave adds, “He’s been far too nice, sometimes he even feels sorry for the troubled.”
Audrey smiles, that’s the Duke she knows.
Just then Daniel walks in saying, “I was able to talk to the victim’s friends-” Audrey stands up and hugs him happy to see him.
Placing his hand against the back of her head Daniel says, “I love you too.” He pulls her away, “And I know you…what’s going on?” he asks seriously.
Audrey says, “Time Travel, this isn’t the future that I know.”
In the mines Dwight hangs up his satellite phone, “Daniel says Audrey’s talking about time travel too something about Samantha Lewis ending up in 1983.”
Ben stops at the sound of the name, “Sam?”
James, shocked, says, “You know her?”
“She was a young Reverend who came to talk to Reverend Driscoll about his twisting of the gospel. She was killed.” Ben says with guilt all over his face. He steps up as if volunteering, “If she’s part of Haven’s future it’s a better future. Send me wherever you need to.” He says eagerly wanting Sam to be alive.
In 1983 Warnous, Lucy, and Sam are in the interrogation room again. Lucy and Sam are yelling at each other.
Sam’s insistent they have to get Simon back.
Lucy yells at her, “Simon just tried to kill me and you know more than you’re letting on. Who’s trying to erase my memories? How do we stop the troubled?”
Warnous whistles breaking them up, “Stop it both of you.” He yells.
Sam argues, “I saved your life.”
Warnous glares at Sam to shut up. Sam lowers her gaze knowing she wasn’t being good. She sighs, frustrated.
Warnous starts to give a lecture, “I know you are both frustrated. Lucy, you’re worried about disappearing and Sam may know something about it but a trouble brought her into the past and we know troubles can have dire consequences. Yet we may be able to make a better future.”
Sam shakes her head, “I know this trouble. It’s a loop, whatever I do here with only create the future I came from.”
Lucy argues, “So you could do anything, it wouldn’t matter.”
Sam shakes her head.
Lucy pleads, “Please I just found out I was another person before and that I’m going to disappear again and won’t remember who I am when I come back.”
Sam looks to her not responsive to this rather shocking information.
“You’re not shocked?” Lucy questions goading her to say more, “Please, tell me what’s going to happen.”
Sam looks at her in sadness, “I can’t….I know what knowing the future does. There’s a woman in town who can see what people see before they die. She’s always right. My husband was told how he was going to die. It changed him. He fought so hard to stop it. But there was nothing he could do.”
Warnous, the voice of reason say. “We need to find Robert and get Simon back and you home.” He says, dictating what they are going to do.
Sam nods saying, “Thank you.”
Lucy upset says, “I’m going to say goodbye to James before he leaves today.”
“He’s leaving, today?” Sam questions and a looks up, utter terror on her face.
“Yes,” Lucy says turning to Sam she asks, “Why?”
Sam’s upset, “Of all the days.” Sam says and barges out of the room angrily.
Warnous goes after her, “What’s wrong with today?”
“Something awful happens…and I’m here, but I can’t prevent it.” Sam begins to cry and whispers, “Forgive me, Audrey.”
“Back there you called Lucy, Audrey.”
Sam looks up to Warnous, “Lucy was Sarah before. She’s Audrey after, in my time.” Sam sighs, “She wanted to talk to me this morning. I just died my hair red, she probably knew this would happen.”
“Lucy doesn’t remember her previous lives,” Warnous says.
“Things change,” Sam reveals.
Warnous asks, “The troubles end. How?”
Just then Ben enters the station and sees Sam with Detective Warnous, “Sam!” He calls out. He goes to Sam.
Shocked she questions, “Ben?” as if wondering if that’s really him.
Ben nods, “Robert sent me back. He told me where to find him to get you home.”
Sam tells him, “We have to get Simon back to this time.”
Ben responds, “That’s already been taken care of…Audrey.”
Sam sighs in relief. She turns to Warnous, “Thank you detective. I’m sorry I can’t help you.”
Warnous sighs, unhappy, “It’s nice to know the troubles end.”
Sam nods and says, “Your son is instrumental in that.”
Warnous is touched.
Ben and Sam walk quickly. They travel to the docks, “Robert’s here, hiding on his father’s boat. He didn’t know what he could do.”
“What happened?” Sam asks referring to the scar on Ben’s face.
“It’s a battle scar, curtesy of Duke Crocker’s men.”
Sam stops, “What?” She says devastated about Duke, “That’s not right?”
“What is it?” Ben asks.
Pondering she says, “Bringing Simon back wasn’t enough.” she thinks deeply. Then asks him, “What do you remember happened today? Do you remember the death of the Colorado kid?”
“Sure, everyone remembers. They were shocked to find Dave and Vince organized it.”
“What?” Sam says, “They didn’t.”
“They’ve spent 30 years in prison for it.” Ben pauses, then passionately says, “If this is the day James dies, we can’t leave. We have to stop it.”
Sam looks to him in agreement, “You’re right.” Sam says eager to help James and Lucy.
Act IV
In the present Audrey and Nathan are in the station with Dave, Vince, and Daniel.
“Gate’s may have met with the college kid he sometimes jogs with that morning.” Nathan says and explains the kid’s profile, “The kid’s whole family have been navy men on submarines and witnessed a number of drownings.”
Daniel leaning over the file says, “He’s captain of his basketball team, in ROTC. He’s just a kid.” Daniel mourns for this kid.
Audrey questions, “Can’t Nathan just heal him. He won’t hurt anyone after that.”
Daniel explains, “Driscoll insists on a life for a life.”
“I’ll give this to Duke.” Vince says.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this?” Dave says, shaking.
Vince argues, “We have to do this. We don’t have another choice.”
Audrey eagerly says, “Maybe we do. Let me talk to Duke.” She says holding out her hand for the file from Vince.
Nathan shakes his head pleading with her, “Audrey.”
“We just need to hold out till Sam comes back. She should be back soon.” Audrey pleads with him to understand.
He seems to do as she wishes as he takes a deep sigh.
In 1983 Sam walks over to a restaurant in town and sees Lucy with James and his wife Arla, “We’re leaving right after dinner.” Arla says coming off as all sweet as she looks to her husband patting his mouth with her napkin.
Lucy seeing Sam gets up from the table and approaches Sam, excusing herself from Arla and James. She approaches Sam with antagonism, “What are you doing here? You obviously have nothing to say to me.”
“I do. I know how confused you must be learning about being Sarah, finding out you’re going to disappear. The you in my time didn’t remember being Lucy, but when she found out she went to see Lucy.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Lucy asks.
“Because I know how frustrating this is; my friend went through the same thing. She was able to stop what was to come. But maybe I’m here so you can.”
“What about your future?” Lucy asks.
“It’s gone…they sent someone back for me but the future they’re from, I have nothing left there.”
Back at the table James turns to Arla, “I’m going to see what’s going on.”
As James approaches from behind Lucy, Sam focused on Lucy says, “To stop the troubles forever, you have to kill the person you love.”
James overhearing stops and looks pale as Sam suddenly notices him and Lucy her back facing James says, “James, I have to kill James.”
Looking at James Sam nods saying, “Yes.”
James walks out upset and Arla turns to him saying “James” under her breath. She follows him outside.
Outside the restaurant Arla annoyed asks James, “Where are you going?”
James paces, “The troubles I told you about. Lucy can stop them. But she has to kill me to do it.”
Arla shakes her head, “No, you’re not actually considering this.”
James passionately says, “If I can help these people.”
Arla takes his cheeks in her hands, “James, you are my husband. I’m not losing you.”
Inside the restaurant facing Sam, Lucy, oblivious to James having left is resistant, “No, I won’t do it.”
“Lucy.” Sam pleads with her.
Lucy interrupts, “There’s time, I’m going to find another way.” She says and barges out of the restaurant. Sam let’s her go saying under her breath, “Maybe there are other things I can change.”
In the station in 1983 Warnous is called over by the chief, “Warnous, you have a call. One of those freaky ones you like.”
Warnous picks up. It’s a teenage girl on the other end, a little boy (Duke as a child) sits in the background, “I know you have no reason to believe me but something terrible is going to happen.”
“I’m listening.” Warnous says alert and attentive.
Duke as a child pulls on her shirt, “I’m hungry.” He wines.
“Go play, I’m on the phone.” The babysitter says and through the phone says to Warnous, “I have a gift. I can see people’s death before it happens. There’s going to be a murder. A young woman is going to kill Simon Crocker. He called her Lucy.”
“Where is he?” Warnous asks.
“He said he was meeting someone at the tenements.” The babysitter reports.
“I’ll get someone out there for him right away.”
Warnous shows up at Lucy’s place, a motel in town, “I found Simon. I thought you might want to come with me.” He says and hands her a gun.
Taking the gun she says, “Yeah, I could use the distraction.” She heads out with Warnous.
At Simon’s place the babysitter watches Duke as he finishes dinner. She fusses, “They’re not going to do anything.” She says and takes Duke’s jacket.
At the tenement housing Simon is heading out, just as Lucy and Warnous show up. Warnous calls out to him, “Simon Crocker.” He says. Simon looks to them and behind Warnous and Lucy is Duke and his babysitter.
“Daddy!” Duke yells.
“Duke!” Simon yells worried.
Lucy looks back to see Duke with the babysitter.
“She’s going to kill you Simon.” The babysitter yells.
Simon points his gun at Lucy and Warnous draws faster shooting at him. Simon ducks for cover. Lucy ducks behind a trash can. Duke and the babysitter behind a crate. Bullets fly.
Back in the present Haven Audrey meets with Duke in his office as he looks over the file with a look of sadness, “Duke, you don’t have to do this. We can work together to fight Driscoll.” Audrey says, urging she continues, “I know you Duke, you’re my friend in the time that I’m from.”
As Duke looks up surprised, Daniel with her says, “Yes, there’s been a time change.”
Duke sighs, “Good. I’m done. Let’s save this kid.” Duke commands. Just as he says it a man outside with a snipper and ear phones listening in on Duke fires.
A bullet comes through the window scrapping his neck. Duke ducks down below his desk and Daniel pulls Audrey down just as bullets fly through the station wall.
In the other room Nathan, Vince, and Dave duck for cover as bullets fly through the walls.
Act V
In 1983 Lucy with Warnous and Simon halt their firing, both hiding at the tenement housing.
“Why did you bring my son?” Simon demands to know.
“We didn’t bring your son!” Lucy declares and turns to Warnous, “We can’t kill him, not in front of his son.”
Warnous nods, “We’re here to take you in for attempted murder Simon. You tried to kill Lucy.”
Simon starts to run, running parallel to the beach where James thinks deeply.
Ben walks towards the beach approaching James. He sees a large man, in front of him. “Hey, you!” He knows the man looks no good. He tackles him and they fight. The man has a four person tattoo on his arm and doesn’t seem to feel any pain.
Away from the fight, on the other side of a hill, James is on the beach, deep in thought, he whispers under his breath, “I could stop the troubles forever.”
On the other side of the hill Ben fights the mysterious man and Ben’s tossed aside. The man continues towards the beach and knocks James out from behind.
Ben on the other side of a hill gets up and runs for James, just in time for James to see Ben before he dies. Ben yells, “No.”. The other man is gone.
As James lays on the ground on the beach Warnous, just behind the tenement houses runs after Simon. Lucy runs too but sees hiding a scared Duke and his babysitter. The babysitter turns to Lucy apologetic, her hands over Duke’s ears, “I didn’t know he tried to kill you. When I saw you kill him I thought.”
Lucy looks up to her, “Me kill him?”
“It’s my trouble. I can see how people are going to die,” The teenage babysitter says. Lucy recalls Sam saying such a thing.
Lucy lifts her head remembering what Sam said. She nods and looks to a scared Duke, “Hey, you know what.” Lucy says, “Whenever I’m scared I like to go to a little beach over here. You want to come with me.”
Duke takes her hand and they walk towards the beach where James lays.
But before they get there the police come and cuff Ben who argues, “No. I didn’t do this” He groans in physical discomfort as Sam comes running, “How do you think he got beat up?” she yells.
Just then Lucy comes down the beach and sees James, holding Duke’s hand tightly she looks to James’ dead body. Sadness fills her eyes as she begins to cry. From behind Sam, who faces away from the scene, a camera man shoots pictures. The picture that will later be on the front of the Harold Newspaper, which Audrey has seen a hundred times.
“We tried to stop it!” Sam yells to the police officers taking Ben in.
Lucy doesn’t see Ben’s face but hears Sam’s voice. Sam catches Lucy’s glance and Lucy understands—this is what Sam knew. She whispers “Thank you.” Tears streaming down her cheeks, “Thank you for trying.”
Turning to Sam the cop asks, “You saw it?”
Sam nods, “Yes.”
The cop removes the cuffs from Ben.
Ben hurt limps trying to scamper away.
Sam chases after him, “What are you doing?”
Ben angrily asks, “Where were you?”
Sam doesn’t have an answer for him.
But he cares little, “My trouble, it’s going into overload, I can’t control it. If I don’t get out of here I could delete everyone’s memory of this whole day.”
Sam steps up to him, “That’s what I remember. That’s my history.”
Ben’s trouble overloads, a wave traveling through the whole town.
In the present the station being shot up changes to Audrey hiding but now she’s in the main office. She yells, “We need to get out of here.”
Daniel looks to her and asks, “Audrey, are you okay?”
Audrey stands up slowly looking around she says, “Yeah. I am now.”
She sees the college kid, from the file come from the interrogation room with Nathan. Nathan tells him, “You’ll be okay.”
Audrey’s phone rings, it’s James in the mines, abandoned, he still carries baby Danielle on his chest. He feeds her with a bottle. “It’s over.” She says, “Bring her home.”
Hanging up Audrey says, “Eva’s going to freak out.” She calls her.
Nathan asks why concerned.
Audrey turns to him and says, “It’s a long story.”
Daniel insistent says, “One I need to hear.”
Sam and Audrey finally sit and have a drink at the Gull. Sam says, “I don’t actually remember any of it, just Ben getting me home.”
“You tried to save James but you couldn’t.” Audrey says. She thinks back to that day, at James’ murder site everyone is confused. The cops call in the murder as if it’s new. Duke still holding Audrey’s hand, is no longer scared but hungry. The babysitter wonders how they got there.
Lucy leans down to Duke, “My name is Lucy Ripley and you’re okay.”
Duke paws at the necklace she wears.
Lucy takes it off, “How about you keep this. You can keep it for me until I see you again.”
Duke nods as Lucy puts a necklace with her initials in his hand.
That night the Chief gives Warnous his own office and admits something strange is going on in this town, which you seem to have a handle on.
On his desk is a note from Lucy, “I’m going to see Lucy Ripley, the real Lucy Ripley see if she has answers for me.”
Underneath is a note scratched in Warnous’ writing, “Hot Stove meetings – hot food so people can talk about these troubles and vent their anger.” He sighs nodding at the good idea but confused as to when he wrote it.
At Simon’s place Simon finds a letter from Sam warning him that if he keeps attempting to kill Lucy he’ll die and Duke will be left without a father. She instructs him how to provide for his son, telling him he can arrange for Duke to win a boat on his 21st birthday. He’ll come back to Haven and finish your work.
Duke plays with the necklace as Simon turns to him, “Duke, you have to promise to come back to Haven, if the troubles ever come back. Promise me.”
End of Episode
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