Sunday, January 11, 2015

S4 E11 "Hairy"

S4 E11 – “Hairy” As Audrey and Nathan try to find more evidence Sam’s the heart thief, to avoid a war between the police and the Good Shepard Church a woman is attacked by Bigfoot.

Previously on Haven/Haven Rewrites: Sam Lewis came to Haven as the new Reverend for the Good Shepard church quickly getting involved with Duke Crooker and they are quickly married. On the day of their wedding Kat, Sam’s sister arrives and is approached by a cute boy. Abe, Duke’s brother comes and he’s approached by people wanting him to stop the troubles by killing people. After the wedding a child witnesses a witches’ ceremony and there is a murder, Sam is nowhere to be found. And the child describes Sam as the murder but not before Duke and her leave on the Cape Rouge for their honeymoon, Duke enthralled with her.


Dwight, Dave, Vince, James, Audrey, and Nathan gather at the police station, they talk about how they’ve decided not to out Sam as one of the witches/heart thief’s yet, they have to have more proof because Duke won’t believe them over her, something that may have been in her plans. Also and a bigger issue is her congregation will side with her too since they love her. Audrey reports that Duke called into the Gull once about a shipment so he’s okay, she thinks Sam won’t tip her hand unless she has to. They don’t even know what the ceremony was. They need more information. Audrey and Nathan are sent to do some covert questioning/exploring on Duke’s boat as they pretend to simply wish the couple congratulations on their wedding. As they walk along the docks, Audrey and Nathan talk beforehand about how Audrey will question Duke and Nathan will distract Sam, question her subtly, and look around if he can.

Approaching Duke’s boat they hear Sam and Duke yelling extremely upset, “How could you do this.” Duke yells. “It isn’t normal.” Nathan and Audrey are worried the fight is serious Audrey whispers to Nathan, “Do you think he knows?” Sam yells back at Duke, “honestly don’t you have more important things to worry about like global warming and the slow traffic light on 4th street.” Duke yells back, “you know I hate that slow traffic light but this is unnatural Sam.” Sam yells back, “No, it’s perfectly natural, shaving a layer of skin off your legs every day isn’t natural. I shaved my legs for the honeymoon but if you think I’m going to do it every single day forget it I have more important things to worry about!” Sam and Duke are having a fight about Sam shaving her legs. Audrey and Nathan start to chuckle. Sam hears the chuckle and sees them, “Hello,” Sam says changing gears quickly. “Duke its Nathan and Audrey.” Duke snidely remarks, “I see that. We’re not done.” “Okay. Later?” Sam kisses him sweetly. Duke sighs, upset because he knows he has to let his anger go. He nods. Audrey asks if this is a good time. Duke invites Nathan and Audrey onto the boat, they were expecting them.

On the boat, Sam wants to show both Nathan and Audrey the boat explaining the things they’ll change but Audrey isn’t really a frills girl. Duke reminds Sam that she promised “no frills”. She assures him, “no frills just refurbishing.” Nathan goes down below with Sam to look around. Sam’s excited they’re going to clear stuff out for her stuff. Nathan tries to ask her questions but instead she asks about what his plans are with Audrey and popping the question. He still hasn’t talked to Audrey and frazzled thinking about asking Audrey to marry him he doesn’t get very far questioning Sam.

Audrey stays up top and talks to Duke. He offers her a beer and she takes it not exactly sure how to question him. It’s awkward as they stand in silence.

On the other side of Haven a women is running and runs down a hill out of sight. A man, (played by Colin Ferguson, because he’s awesome) runs slower down the hill running out of sight. She screams and he asks her, “Mam are you alright?” “Are you alright?” Then he screams, “Can we get some help! Help!”

On Duke’s boat Audrey finally talks to Duke asking him “How was the honeymoon?” He says it was great. Audrey then goes into questioning mode asking him “how was she?” Duke thinks Audrey is asking about their sex life and clearly says he’s not going to share anything. Audrey falls all over herself trying to get back to the point, saying “no I didn’t. I just…marriage is a big step. I…I’m going to shut up now.” She’s embarrassed. At this point both Nathan and Audrey are texted about the attack. They have to go. On the way back, when they share they got nothing, they both say they’re no good at this covert thing thankful that they were pulled away. But they comment that Dwight, Vincent and Dave are not going to be happy.

Act I

At the crime scene the road is taped off and there’s goo on the ground. Nathan instructs one of the officers to bag it. Audrey refers to the witness (Fergusson) and heads over towards him asking Stan if he’s the one that witnesses the attack. Stan says “yeah, but he thinks it was big foot.” Audrey gets really defensive, “with what happens in this town, it could have been.” She says. As Audrey approaches the witness he looks up at her. He’s a little frazzled when she comes up to him and holds his breath. Right away she questions him, “you witnessed what happened? Can you describe it?” he says yes, as if he’s out of breath. Nathan stops Audrey’s questioning joking about how she shouldn’t interrogate the man. She blushes and apologizes looking to Nathan in a way that is apparent they are involved, a lovers gaze as if she’s saying what would I do without you. The man looks on them and smiles. Nathan introduces himself and Audrey and asks the man’s name. He tells them his name is Daniel. Audrey invites Daniel back to the police station to answer a few questions. Daniel says he’ll help in any way he can.

In the police station as Dwight listens to a man who’s wife is missing Nathan and Audrey sit Daniel down in the office. Audrey begins to question him first asking him if he’d like anything to drink. He asks for some water.

In the hall as Nathan gets the water, he runs into Vince and Dave. They inform him they found the picture of the witch they’ve been looking for, in Willow’s things of all places. Vincent holds up a picture, a pencil sketch. Nathan points to it and says, “that’s her?” Vince says, “this is the sketch the little girl described to me about the woman who appeared in the center of the witches”, “during their ceremony” Dave adds. Nathan says, “yes, she appeared out of thin air.” Nathan says in disbelief. “This comes from a little girl who has 12 imaginary friends.” “But” Dave says, “This is the picture Willow had and it has an inscription on it, ‘removed but always watching beware of her return’.” Though the picture Dave holds up has more detail the women are the same. “They brought her back.” Vince says. “She’s here to spread her terror?” Dave shakes terrified. Nathan looks at Dave skeptical, “Dave, I thought you don’t actually believe any of this.” Nathan says. “For once my brother and I agree on this.” Dave says. Nathan sighs, he knows it’s serious, “well, what do you want from me.” “We want you, Audrey and the others to come and meet with us about all this” Dave adds, “and come up with a plan to do something.” Nathan nods, “okay, I will talk to Audrey.”

Audrey sits in the office as Daniel answers a question about his day and the attack. He then stares at her. Audrey can’t take it, “I’m sorry, you keep on staring. Is there something in my teeth?” Daniel shakes his head, “no, I just…you’re a woman cop.” He says this as Nathan enters and Audrey says, “Is there something wrong with woman cops?” Daniel shakes his head, “No, I just thought small town police stations were boy’s clubs.” Audrey nods, “well it kind of is.” Daniel then says, “You must be a good cop.” “Really good.” Nathan says and puts down the water and sits next to Audrey. She blushes as Nathan sits down he puts his arm on hers in a romantic way. “You two are involved?” Daniel asks. Audrey says, “That really isn’t any of-.” As Nathan says, “yes.” She turns to him annoyed, “really?” she says with her eyes as well as her mouth. “No, it’s good.” Daniel says, “to have someone you love. But we should talk about this morning. No I hadn’t met the woman before.” Audrey asks “what?”, Daniel repeats the question she asked him, remaindering her she asked him if he’d met the woman attacked before. Daniel then describes the big hairy, ten foot beast that attacked her. “I’ve seen it before and”- Audrey interrupts him, “You’ve seen it before?” Audrey says skeptical. “A long time ago the thing is…” Dave and Vince bickering outside make everyone look at the door ajar. As Audrey looks to Daniel, Daniel sees the picture of the witch from the past and hears Dave and Vince bickering about, “they need to know she’s here” Dave says. Vince disagrees worried it will start panic. Nathan closes the door. Daniel, upset says, “You need to deal with this now, you need to find the beast.” Audrey nods, “okay, we’ll canvas the area. Do you know what direction it went?”  Daniel shakes his head, “I’m sorry I was helping Jan, the woman.” Nathan sighs, “Okay, we’ll canvas the area.” He says not thrilled about looking for a mythical beast.


Nathan and Audrey knock on doors, as do Dwight and James. Nathan turns to Audrey and asks, “You don’t actually believe it was bigfoot?”. Audrey says, “I believe he believes it and there has to be some explanation, some Haven like one probably.” Just after Dwight and James talk to a family, thanking them James turns to Dwight, “All I’m asking for,” he says picking up an old conversation, “is time on the computers to run a composite of the Colorado kid.” Dwight questions the logic in this, “the picture in the paper is grainy.” James assures him there’s enough, if they could put a name with the face they might have a better understanding of what happened to him. Dwight reluctantly agrees.

As Nathan and Audrey approach another house they get a call, Jan, the women attacked has woken up. She can talk to them. Audrey and Nathan head to the hospital.

At the hospital the doctor tells them that they found hair inside the woman’s wounds that were not her own, he shows them, they are in a bag, the hairs are long. When the doctor leaves to tell Jan they are there Audrey looks to Nathan, with a look telling him to relent—it keeps looking like sasquatch. Nathan says, “that doesn’t mean anything.” Nathan and Audrey go in to question Jan, upon questioning her they find out she didn’t hear Daniel at all, she remembers being attacked and that’s it. Audrey makes sure that’s what she remembers, “He said he saw the whole thing, called out to you.” Jan insists, she didn’t hear him. In the hall Nathan and Audrey are both thinking it, but Nathan says it out loud; Daniel’s the sasquatch.” Audrey shakes her head not wanting to believe it, “He probably doesn’t even know it.” Just then a report comes in there’s been another attack, “sounds like big foot has struck again.”

Act II

Nathan and Audrey are just finishing up questioning a doctor at his house. He’s got a few bumps but nothing serious and he was sure it was a sasquatch, even though he has trouble saying it since he thinks it’s crazy. Audrey and Nathan are thankfully done when one of the Dr.’s patience calls, he has to go deliver a baby.

On their way to the truck Audrey and Nathan learn from Dwight and James that Daniel’s not at his place. James and Dwight are there and Daniel is not.  Audrey and Nathan head to the Gull, to see if his work friends will know more about where he would have gone.

At the Gull Audrey and Nathan question Duke about Daniel. Duke says “he came about a year ago, a great worker, kind of private I figured he has some family drama he wanted to hide.”

Sam shows up at the Gull with her sister Kat, as they talk about her staying in Haven. Sam sits Kat at a table for lunch and goes and says hi to Duke. Duke embraces her lovingly as she kisses him on the cheek apologizing for interrupting “but I couldn’t resist saying hi.” Duke suggests that Sam could help, “Sam know everyone in Haven. “Do you know a Daniel, Daniel Haze?” Duke asks. Audrey and Nathan tense up they aren’t pleased about sharing this information with Sam but it’s too late. “Yeah.” Sam says, “He’s a member of my congregation, a great guy, always helping others. He’s a Deacon, truly has the face of an angel.” Duke then continues, “No, Daniel’s a creepy old guy that hits on younger women and a lot of them go home with him.” Sam shakes her head, “No, that’s not Daniel.” Duke calls over the bartender a young woman who Daniel has hit on many times. They ask her about Daniel. “He’s complemented me, walked me to my car, but he wouldn’t go home with me I know because I pressed and he said he wasn’t interested. He says that someone should watch out for young single woman. I think the guy’s a monk or something. He called it a calling.” Sam rubs it in his face with a “see” but Duke is shocked, “he really said no?”  he asks the bartender, who is really hot. The bartender nods, “yeah, right.” She says in agreement with Duke about how dare he turn her down. Nathan chuckles as does Audrey, “The funny thing is your impression of him would have been you in a few years.”  Sam chuckles too. Duke nods, understanding that he’s the butt of the joke, not liking it but accepting it. “Well…I’m married now.” Duke says, “To a wonderful woman.” He holds Sam close and then releases a bit, “well if she’d shave.” Sam gives him attitude, “Seriously you have no idea how hard it is to shave every day.” Nathan sighs, “Well at least she’s not a sasquatch.” He says. Duke looks at them confused, “That’s what we’re trying to find.” Audrey says whispering it because it is a secret. Duke nods, “I knew they were real.” He says excited. Sam laughs. “Daniel probably has friends at the church on the Deacons board, you can call my secretary she’ll give you the addresses.” Audrey thanks her. Nathan and Audrey head out. Audrey looks back to Sam as they leave seeing Sam kiss Duke exchange a goodbye before she goes to sit with her sister.

In the truck Audrey turns to Nathan, “I think she really loves him. I don’t think she’d ever do anything to hurt him.” Nathan shakes his head, “It doesn’t matter if she killed those people.” Audrey nods, “I know. We have to find better proof, it’s going to crush Duke.” Audrey isn’t please. Nathan says, “Don’t you think it’s strange they go married so quickly like she used some…” he motions with his hands throwing of pixie dust, “on him.” Audrey shakes her head, “No, I think he really loves her.” Nathan says, “That’s strange.” Audrey questions him, “What, that Duke could love anyone?” Nathan says, “That and today you’re just so inclined to see the best in people all of a sudden. You don’t really think Daniel’s guilty of anything either.” Audrey responds that she just has a feeling about the guy. Just then dispatch calls through they have the thing, it’s been sited on Vine Street.

Nathan and Audrey head to vine street, the thing isn’t far way.

Meanwhile Abe casually walks out of the manse, a man comes by the path on the street. “You’re still here.” The man says to Abe. “Yeah, I’m still here.” The man follows him, “We thought you would have left after the wedding.” Abe looks to him, “Believe me I would have if I had anywhere else to go.” “Help us-“ The man asks but Abe cuts him off, “What you’re asking, what your suggesting is crazy.” “Your father did it.” Abe shakes his head, “My father was an ass.” Abe continues to walk away, “You can stay in the manse if you help us.” The man calls out. Abe sighs, still walking away. He is seriously considering it. “No need for people to die needlessly.” The man says.

Nathan and Audrey are on Vine Street looking for the Sasquatch. They see it pass the road. It runs so quickly they almost don’t see it and Nathan has to swerve and runs into a tree.


Audrey wakes up groggy in the car, the car is against the tree. They’ve run into it. Nathan is beside her, he’s very still. “Nathan.” She calls out and startled, he jumps and hits his head on the roof, “Don’t do that.” He yells. Anxiety in her voice, “I thought you were…” she says unable to say it. Daniel comes up beside the car, on Audrey’s side. She jumps. Extremely concerned he asks her, “Are you alright?” He opens the car door. “I think so.” She says as he looks her over. He helps her out. “I saw what happened. You just missed the beast.” Audrey pulls out her gun and points it at Daniel, “Show me your hands.” She says. He holds his hands up. “Wait, hold on.” Daniel says shocked and concerned. Audrey speaks to him sternly that he stay where he is and puts his hands on his head. He does as she says. She motions for Nathan to put the cuffs on him, which Nathan does. “Did you ever consider?” Audrey says, “That you might be the Sasquatch.” Daniel insists that he’s not,” Nathan interrupts him, “You’re the one who always happens to be there when this thing attacks.” Daniel begs them to continue the search, “he went into the woods.”

At the police station Daniel is cuffed in an interrogation room.

Audrey and Nathan are in Dwight’s office with him. Dwight gives Audrey trouble for letting Daniel go without properly questioning him, considering ‘if he was the sasquatch’. Audrey defends herself, “he wasn’t a suspect because he was only a witness.” Nathan chimes in, “we weren’t even sure we believed him.” Dwight says he’ll question him this time, you do good police work just this time you were soft on him. Nathan tries to argue but Dwight leaves before he can. James enters, “give him a break.” He tells them. “He’s got Mrs. Randal yelling at him.” Audrey and Nathan understand, “she saw the thing.” James says and walks away. “Hey.” Nathan stops James, “Did you ever get your composite done?” James looks away, “Can we talk about that another time?” He walks way. Audrey rubs her shoulders and says, “He probably knows.” Nathan grunts an affirmative. Nathan starts to rub Audrey’s shoulders for her. “Have you been sleeping?” he asks. Audrey sighs, which means no. “Nightmares?” Nathan asks. “Only a couple a night now.” Audrey says like its good news. “You should have woken me.” Audrey shakes her head, “No, one of us should get some sleep.”

Dwight walks into the interrogation with a bean bag gun. Daniel looks at him wearily, “You don’t need that. I’m not troubled.” Dwight looks up at him surprised, “you know about the troubles?” Daniel nods, “It’s hard not to.” Dwight says, “It’s amazing what people want to deny.” “Sometimes it’s better when they do.” Daniel says. Dwight nods. Daniel tells Dwight, “I want to help in any way I can.” Dwight politely asked him to answer some questions, “You only just came to Haven in the last year? Came back maybe with the guard?” Daniel looks up to him and says, “The who?” Dwight can tell he’s surprised. So Dwight changes tactics, “Why did you come to Haven?” Daniel looks forlorn, “My wife was from Haven?” Daniel says solemnly. Dwight, surprised softens his behavior, “So you weren’t born in Haven?” He asks. Daniel shakes his head, “No.” “Then why do you stay?” Dwight asks. “I just want to help people.” Daniel says. Dwight’s asks, “Tell me what happened this morning?” “I told the other detective.” “Yeah, she hasn’t gotten a lot of sleep lately can you tell me again.” Concerned Daniel asks, “Is something wrong with her?” Dwight shakes his head, “No, just nightmares.” With a sigh, “Yeah…” Daniel looks off into the distance, “Hey, are you still with me?” Dwight asks as Daniel says, “that would make sleep difficult.” Dwight refocuses Daniel asking, “Can we talk about the attack?” Daniel nods, “Sure…”

Audrey, in the office, let’s Nathan rub her shoulders. “It’s nice that you never get tired doing that.” Nathan smiles. Audrey pats his hand, indicating he can stop and he does. She stands up and heads towards the door, “I want to see him when he gets out. It’s still our case.” Nathan walks through the door with her.

Nathan and Audrey stand by the interrogation room. Nathan leans against the wall, “So in the truck you…” Audrey sighs, “I freeked out that you were…” she motions with her chin. She thought he was dead. Nathan smiles pleased, “Well…you’re pleased for some reason.” She says and looks at the ground. The integration door opens and Audrey looks to Daniel. Nathan looks to Audrey while Daniel looks to her, “We should go somewhere just the two of us.” Audrey smiles at Nathan as Dwight emerges from the interrogation room. “The coroner got labs back. The liquid at the scene, was amniotic fluid.” Audrey is surprised, “Was Jen pregnant?” “No.” Dwight says, “I checked.” “It must have belonged to the sasquatch.” “It makes sense the OBGYN was attacked next.” Audrey says. Nathan offers to get a list of his patience.”

At the police station Audrey, James, Nathan, Daniel, and Dwight all sit at desks. A man comes in frantic, “You said you had news about my wife, she’s been missing and she’s 9 months pregnant.” Audrey sits the man down, “oh no don’t tell me.” He says considering the worst. Daniel assures him, “We still don’t know where your wife is.” Audrey looks to Daniel, with a glare. This is her case, “Can I talk to him?” Daniel nods and chuckles, “yeah.” Daniel walks away yet he listens in as Nathan and Audrey talk to the man. “Your wife,” Audrey says, “Have you heard of the troubles?” “Yeah, of course.” The man says, “Well…” Audrey says and Nathan continues, “Your wife is Big Foot.” Nathan says. The man looks calmly out into space and says, “Oh, it happened again.” Nathan and Audrey are surprised and lean in shocked as if saying pardon me, why didn’t we know about this (I mean this world revolves around them). “We think she’s in labor.” The man gets more flustered. “Do you know where she would go to feel safe?” Audrey asks, “We want to make sure she and the baby are safe.” The husband doesn’t know.

Meaning, Duke walks onto his boat with groceries. “Sam!” He calls out. “I got the whip cream you wanted!” he yells. From the distance she yells back, “Thanks. I’ll be out in a second.”  He then looks to the whip cream as he puts it into the fridge, “Not like we’re going to use it.” Sam yelling from the other room says, “My sister thought it was pretty funny that there was a sasquatch in town, I think she’s actually going to stay.”

Duke hears a thump, like something falling. “What are you doing?” he walks towards the noise in another room on the boat and sees movement in the shadows. He puts his hand on an arm in the shadows, “really Sam, you really need to shave.” Sam comes up behind Duke, “hey, what are you doing in here.” As he looks closer he sees the person he’s holding onto is not Sam but the Sasquatch.

Act IV

Duke rushes to Sam, “Sam, get out of here.” He pushes her out the door and closes the door behind them. They are on the floor as the door is closed, the Sasquatch starts banging. “Is this the time where you call Audrey?” Sam says. Duke opens his phone and calls Audrey. “Audrey, I think I found your Sasquatch.”

In the police station Audrey asks, “Where?”

“On my boat.” Duke says annoyed. The Sasquatch banging on the door stats to break it. Duke drops the phone.

Audrey hears the banging through the phone tells Nathan and the husband they found her. Daniel insists on going and Audrey doesn’t have the time to stop him so agrees. The four of them rush to and jump in the truck.

On the boat as the Sasquatch breaks through the door Duke moves to grab for a gun. Sam pulls at him, “Don’t hurt it, just run.” Duke yells, “It’s going to ruin my boat.” Sam tugs at Duke and reluctantly he follows her and runs to the top of the deck.

Audrey and Nathan pull up just as Duke and Sam are running off the boat. The husband leaps out of the truck and approaches the Sasquatch. Audrey tries to call him back and Duke tries to hold him back but he shoves past him. “Sweetheart it’s alright.” The Sasquatch stands tall an impressive height starting at him. Audrey yells at him to come back both Audrey and Nathan hold up their guns on the Sasquatch. Suddenly a woman, the woman in the drawing Vince had walks beside the boat, she holds out her hand to the Sasquatch, “Come here my pet. I called you.” She says. “Where did she come from?” Duke asks. Audrey looks to the woman and starts to back away shaking and hyperventilating in terror the gun falls out of her hand. Nathan looks to Audrey worried saying, “Audrey.” The woman stares at Audrey and begins to laugh, “It’s you.” She says and laughs, “I should have known.” Daniel looks at the woman worried and upset. The Sasquatches’ husband embraces the Sasquatch and it cuddles with him moaning happily. The mysterious woman, seeing this sighs unhappily, “dam it.” She says and turns to Audrey “I’ll come back for you.” Audrey is terrified. Nathan points his gun at the woman, “get away” he says protective of Audrey. Daniel jumps and tackles the woman. They roll down the hill out of sight. Nathan turns to Audrey she’s feeling better and turns to Nathan and says, “Go help him.” Nathan runs after Daniel and sees the woman sticks a knife in his gut pull it out and runs away at a remarkable speed. Nathan goes to Daniel pulling off his own shirt he holds it over the wound and calls for an ambulance on his phone.

Audrey, at the boat stands having gathered herself. The Sasquatch begins to moan in pain. Audrey goes up to the husband and the Sasquatch as she turns back into a woman naked her husband shields her Audrey pulls a tarp off the boat and covers her. She sits unable to move. She’s in labor. The baby is coming.  Duke and Sam watch, Sam hits Duke playfully, “see why you shouldn’t shoot things.” Duke nods. “He really loves his wife despite the hair.” Sam chuckles and nods. “You love me that way too you’re just not used to sacrificing.” Duke questions, “Sacrificing?” Sam nods, “Yeah, it’s what you do for the people you love.” Duke nods, “Well…if a little hair is all, I can live with that.” Sam kisses him. Audrey yells at them, “Duke I could use your help!” Duke comes over, “What can I do?” “Ah. Towels and hot water.” Sam nods, “We’re on it.” Sam pulls Duke down below. Audrey checks the woman, “The baby’s coming. You’re going to need to push next contraction.” The woman pushes.


In a hospital room the woman holds a baby girl. “I’m really sorry about hurting the woman. I didn’t mean to. I just changed and started running I don’t know why. It’s never happened that way and then I went into labor…” Audrey says she knows, “just take care of that little one.”

Audrey walks over from the hospital room to Daniel’s room, where he sleeps. She talks to Nathan who sits by his bed, “How is he?” Audrey asks. Nathan says, “Surgery went well.” Vince and Dave come in, “we heard you ran into our mysterious woman.” Audrey is shocked, “from who?” Nathan says, “I called them.” Audrey is surprised. Nathan asks, “What happen?” Audrey responds. “I don’t know I just I was terrified like my dreams are coming true. She was in them. She did horrible things.” Dave asks, “Do you know her?” “No.” Audrey says. Nathan tells Audrey, “She knows you. I thought Vince and Dave could figure out how.” Vince and Dave assure them, “We’ll find whatever we can.” Nathan and Audrey thank them. Audrey sits down tired. Dave looks to Daniel and comments, “It’s nice to know we have another person on our team. Since Sam might be evil and Duke might go with her.” Vince turns to Audrey and says, “We’ll leave you to rest. It’s been a long day.” Nathan thanks them. Audrey turns to Nathan, “I guess we won’t be getting out of town for a while.” Waking up Daniel says, “No, you should get out of town. You can’t wait until things are calm you have to have a life now otherwise you never will. You should go.” Audrey stands up and looks to him, “Thank you for what you did.” Audrey says. “Promise me you’ll go, right now. Don’t think about it just go.” Audrey hesitates, “What about you?” Daniel says, “Have those old guys check in on me. You need to go.” Audrey nods.

Nathan packs her car and they drive off. The mysterious woman, in a car follows.

In the dead of night Abe walks into the forest with an older man. He hands him gloves and tells him to put them on. Abe goes. Abe and the man meet a group of people from the church, the same people after Sam to talk about Duke killing the troubled. They have a man, with gray hair and green eyes tied up with them. “Okay, I’m here. What do you want from me?” Abe sees the man. “What’s this?” A man says, “This man chars people with one touch of his skin. He’s killed ten people.” The man tied up tries to talk but gagged he can’t. The man in charge cuts the man tied up and places the blood on Abe. His skin absorbs it and his eyes turn silver. He feels invigorated. The man in charge asks Abe to kill the man. Abe with one flip of his hands breaks the man’s neck. His eyes clearing up he looks to his hands and smiles realization on his face this is what he was meant to do.

In Dwight’s office at night, James stares at a computer with a composite of his own face.

Return February for the Final Episode of Season Four, where you learn the connection between Audrey and the mysterious women! A connection that will make your heart stop! To catch up on the TV show Haven, read the Haven Character Bios or Haven's Syfy page at and you can catch up on Netflix.

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