Tuesday, October 28, 2014

S4 E5 "Jesus Complex"

S4 E5 “Jesus Complex” – As everyone is eager to have their trouble cured by Nathan some people begin to think Nathan is Jesus, and then he begins to think it himself.

Previously on Haven/Rewrites: A new Reverend has come to town Reverend Samantha Lewis, Sam. Audrey shot Nathan in the head. Now Nathan can cure people of the troubles but not everyone. And he doesn't remember anything past college so to Audrey's annoyance he acts like horny teenager. That is until he saw James, his and Audrey’s son. He remembers him. Curing James of his trouble in the middle of a party at the Gull revealed Nathan’s gifts – everyone wants their trouble cured. To catch up on the TV show Haven, read the Haven Character Bios or Haven's Syfy page at http://www.syfy.com/haven and you can catch up on Netflix.


There’s a mob at the Gull everyone wants their trouble cured so everyone races to Nathan, pressing in on Nathan and James. Dwight, Duke and Audrey get them out. Duke and Sam stay behind to handle the crowd as Dwight and Audrey get them to the police station.

A group of teenagers watch in shock of the chaos.

Duke and Sam are knocked out on the ground as people follow Nathan, Audrey and Dwight racing away in Dwight’s truck.

Act I

People start flocking to the police station wanting to get in and be cured. Dwight thinks they can wait them out, they’ve got supplies they’ll stay the night by the morning people will be gone. As they get supplies for the night James confronts Nathan about knowing him. All Nathan will say is he knew his mother.

Audrey gets the chief’s office to sleep, being the only woman. Nathan goes to her since he remembers who they were. Audrey hasn’t seen Nathan since the Gull, when he didn’t remember. He apologizes for being a jerk. She apologizes too but he continues with his thought, “what happened when I left the barn?” He doesn’t remember and she says, “It’s complicated.” and doesn’t want to tell him. She simply hugs him and he remembers how silly he was acting like a horny teenager saying, “Did I really?” she nods. He’s ashamed. She kisses him. James interrupts with a sleeping bag for Nathan, unaware he interrupted anything. Audrey says, she’s going to call Duke, tell him they’re alright.

As Duke’s phone rings he is on the floor of the Gull unconscious, a cut on his face. Sam is beside him also unconscious. The phone stops ringing. The Sun comes up. Sam awakens and tries to help Duke. He is groggy but alive. She gets him up.

In a typical house a teenage boy wakes up and finds his family and friends are all talking about Nathan, how he can cure troubled people. No one has remembered his birthday, since there’s no school they were going to go to the beach. He’s upset uttering under his breath saying, “They think he’s Jesus.”

Its morning at the police station the crowds are worse, everyone wants their trouble cured, its public news now. People are trying to claw their way into the police station. James quickly starts to board up the windows with stuff he found, thinking they might need it. Everyone helps.


Dwight makes a new plan, they need to leave, and they’ll do so by the access tunnels under the station – Nathan had no idea they had those and wonders why they didn’t do that before. Dwight says, “Well they’re a little hard to get to.” He starts to pound out the cement floor in one of the jail cells. When Nathan goes to the basement to find more tools James starts to help saying he can modify the floor polisher he found in the closet. Dwight, impressed, is grateful for the help. James says he feels bad for causing this. Dwight tells him not to beat himself up he didn’t know.

At the Gull Duke and Sam are worried. Duke’s been hurt, from the crowd and Sam is trying to bandage his wound. He is annoyed, says she’s hurting him though it’s a little cut. She calls him a baby. He mocks her about not being able to talk sense into her congregation. She says, “They don’t always listen to me.” He says, “She could try.”

Audrey, Nathan, and Dwight, are pounding at the floor as James modifies the floor polisher. James has it working and wants to try it. Audrey, since only two people are necessary for the polisher, takes a break to call Duke, she couldn’t get through to him last night. The polisher works to break through the cement, its power reeved up beyond safe.

Duke gets Audrey’s call. He’s glad she’s alright. She communicates she was worried about him, they tried to connect earlier, the night before but couldn’t get through. Sam makes a comment that he was knocked unconscious drooling on the floor. Audrey asks them to check out what’s going on.

Dwight and Nathan make progress but it only takes two of them to steady the polisher and it’s all they need so they let James rest. Audrey, having been careful not to touch him before, since he’d feel her as Nathan does though he can’t feel, can now touch him without him noticing anything odd. She thanks him for helping trying to act all cool while she holds his arm. When his back’s facing her she can’t help but look at her hand that touched him and be happy she can touch him.

As Sam and Duke check out the police station at Audrey’s behest Sam notices some of the people are quoting the Bible, and badly, there’s a trouble afoot. People are acting very strangely as they try to speak old English and quote the King James Bible with all the flowery language.

The teenage boy, upset everyone forgot his birthday rides across town. Seeing his parents at the police station he asks his parents what they’re doing. His parents tell him “the Christ has come, who will heal us”. The teenage boy makes the comment about Nathan thinking he’s Jesus, “He thinks he’s Jesus.” He says as fact. Sam comments to the boy “they seem to think it” and the boy intimidated by her rides away on his bike. Sam turns to Duke and says, “See they don’t always listen to me and sometimes they run away.” The church bells ring.

Inside the station, Nathan and Dwight have uncovered the passageway out of the station. But Nathan has no intention of going down into it. He insists that he go and heal the people. Audrey doesn’t understand what’s going on and tries to reason with him saying he can’t go out there, there’s a mob. Nathan seems to be listening when Audrey’s cell goes off, it’s Duke. They tell her that there’s a strange trouble making people think Nathan is Jesus. Before anyone realizes it Nathan has gone outside.


Outside, the people gather round him begging him to heal them, “Good people.” He says, “Your faith has rewarded you, I am here. Come and I will heal all of you.” He heals a man. Everyone gathers around him worshiping him and he takes it all in.

Duke and Sam standing nearby, stare. Sam says, “Oh my God. Did he just…?”  Duke says, “This is my worst nightmare.”

Audrey talks to Nathan, “What are you doing?” She asks. He answers that he’s going to heal these people. It’s what Jesus does.” She realizes he thinks he’s Jesus. Dwight, annoyed is going to drag Nathan from the crowd but Audrey pulls him back she wants to see what will happen. Everything seems to be calm as the people sit down on the grass outside the police station. She tells Dwight that they think he’s Jesus, it’s a trouble, one they may be able to use to their advantage. James realizes what she means, “if he can heal people and then everyone think it was simply a trouble Nathan won’t be exposed”. He had the same thought as Audrey. James agrees to stay with him, the name comes in handy, since he was a disciple of Jesus.

Audrey and Dwight go around the crowd. Audrey sees Vince and Dave watching and goes up to them. Dwight follows. Duke and Sam see them and meet them. Vince and Dave completely lucid are excited by what’s happening. Audrey worried about them being affected asks them what they think is happening. “Oh, they think Nathan’s Jesus.” They say and laugh. Audrey asks them to keep track of all the people he heals. Vince and Dave said they were already planning on doing that.

As Audrey, Dwight, Sam and Duke talk about how to fix this Duke repeats that “this is my worst nightmare.” still in shock. As Nathan teaches that “the father in Heaven loves all humanity and blessed are the poor in spirit, though I walk through the valley and the shadow of death I fear no evil for God is with me” Sam and Duke talk about what’s happened that they think he’s Jesus. Duke asks if he’s been like this all night. Since he hasn’t they wonder what’s changed, a few seconds ago. As Nathan starts to actually heal people of their troubles, Audrey says, “He thinks he’s Jesus.” and Sam realizes that the teen boy who came by said that Nathan thought he was Jesus just before the church bells rang. Audrey says, “that’s when things changed”. They realize the teenage boy must be the one troubled, they have to find him. Dwight goes with Duke who saw him as Sam stays with Audrey to watch Nathan and perhaps talk to the people.

The kid goes back to his house leaving his bike in the driveway he barges in the house and begins to open up all the junk food. He sits to watch TV, grumbling all the way upset his parents don’t seem to care he’s not going to care about their rules either – he puts his feet up on the coffee table.

Dwight and Duke go the direction the kid went.

Back at the police station Sam and Audrey watch Nathan continue to heal people. Audrey is concerned, “they won’t hurt him right, because they think he’s Jesus.” Sam nods but then says, “well, Jesus was crucified so…” they both know there really is no guarantee. Nathan is starting to get fatigued which is worrying Audrey. She gestures to James who is beside Nathan.

James tries to convince Nathan to rest. Nathan refuses to rest as if it’s not in Jesus character so it can’t be in his. Audrey turns to Sam, worried about Nathan. He’s not looking so good. Sam steps up and speaks about how the people must be hungry, perhaps it would be a good time for everyone to gather lunch. Nathan agrees and has people gather food for everyone. Audrey thanks Sam.

Dwight and Nathan are having a hard time finding the kid, there are a lot of streets in Haven. Dwight has the idea to go to the school and check out the yearbooks to find the boy’s name. They head to the high school.

As the people gather Lunch Audrey and Sam are also given food. People speak about Nathan as Jesus, thinking him a great man. Sam starts to talk about how he’s not really the son of God or he would be wearing sandals, where are his disciples. She thinks she might get through to them. They look at her puzzled. She turns to Audrey and says, “I tried.”

Dwight and Duke are at the school looking at the yearbook. They find the kid, Harold Danvers. From the school computer they get his address and head out to go there.

Nathan gathers everyone around and begins to heal people again. He heals a few people as the others talk amongst themselves.

Audrey gets a call from Dwight and Duke, they know where the boy is and they’re headed there now if you could get Nathan to the address they sent her they could end all this.

The people start to question if Nathan’s really Jesus, “he’s not wearing sandals, and where are his twelve disciples?” People start to get angry declaring that he is a fraud. “Crucify him!” They start to yell.

Act IV

As the people shout crucify him Sam says, “oops”. Nathan assures them he is Jesus. They insist on crucifying him. Audrey anxious says, “No, don’t. There’s a boy that needs to be healed. If he can heal him then he’ll prove he is the Christ.” Nathan goes to her and says, I will heal this boy, take me to him. The people try to stop him by holding him back but they are unable to as Audrey, Nathan, Sam, and James get him free from the crowd and into a car. Audrey and James drive him out of there. Sam, unable to get in tells them to go.

The people are angry and one man encourages the people to crucify him. Sam tries to talk them out of it telling them that God loves every man, he doesn’t deserve it. They ignore her and lead by this man they gather weapons from the station to get Nathan back and crucify him. Sam calls Audrey.

Audrey picks up the phone in the car. Sam tells them to hurry others are following with guns.

Dwight and Duke find the boy’s house, Duke recognizes the boy’s bike –it’s him.

Sam walks back to the church and sees that they begin to build a crucifix on the front lawn.

Duke and Dwight talk to the kid, telling him that he’s responsible for making Nathan think he’s Jesus as well as his parents believe that Nathan is Jesus. The boy is stunned and whines that he didn’t mean to trying to get away. Dwight pulls him back telling him to man up and accept what’s happened and help them. He, trembling afraid of Dwight agrees.

Audrey gets there with Nathan, they’re going to cure the boy and he’s okay with it. Nathan puts his hand on the boy as Audrey and Dwight talk about how this might actually make everything permanent, but they’re hoping not.

As the men get into their trucks with guns Nathan has his hands on the boy. He heals him and everyone is not sure what they’re doing or how they got there. Sam is relieved and tells them it was all a scare and they can go back inside now putting their guns away. They agree to do as she says.

Nathan realizes that he’s not Jesus and asks Audrey what happened. She says she’ll tell him later. Dwight talks to the kid, telling him to keep Nathan’s ability a secret because he knows what could happen if it got out. James with him agrees with Dwight, saying he’ll also keep it a secret when the boy recognizes him from the Gull who was cured first the boy agrees to keep it a secret.


Back at the Gull Duke, Audrey, Nathan, Sam and Dwight are there drinking. Nathan is stunned that he really thought he was Jesus. James comes up asking to join them, “Sure yeah,” Dwight says grateful for his help. Duke gets him a chair. “You’re part of the group now.” Nathan says. Audrey nods as she holds Nathan’s hand under the table. Dwight says, “I could use your help in the future, you were good in a crisis, and have a lot of know-how.” James nods, “whatever I can do.” Dwight says, “can you be on call 24 7”. James nods. Then Vince and Dave come back with news, the people believe Nathan’s ability to cure others was because of the trouble as Audrey thought would happen. But while Nathan has cured some people others he temporarily cured still have their trouble. Audrey sigh, “We still don’t know how this thing works. He couldn’t cure the invisible woman either.” Sam suggests that the troubled person may need to be in a full state of trouble for it to heal all of it. Vince and Dave look at their list of people and troubles and asks how she knew that was a correlation. She says, “That’s why Jesus needed to be fully human to heal our curse to cure all of us.” Nathan smiles saying “I got to admit I was a pretty good Jesus.” Duke’s annoyed. Sam interrupts saying, “you weren’t Jesus you were your perception of what Jesus was and you really need some Sunday school. The Kindergarten class would be helpful. It was really pathetic.” Duke smiles as Nathan looks around uncomfortable hoping the others will agree with him, but everyone agrees with Sam and slowly they start to laugh.
End of Episode
Next Week 11/4 is S4 E6 “Heart of Stone” – Drama erupts in Heaven as couple’s fight, even Nathan and Audrey when he learns she shot him in the head. And the pair are fighting as hearts start going missing.
To catch up on the TV show Haven, read the Haven Character Bios or Haven's Syfy page at http://www.syfy.com/haven and you can catch up on Netflix. 

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