Tuesday, November 25, 2014

S4 E8 – “The Nobel and the Witches”

Haven Rewrite: S4 E8 – “The Nobel and the Witches” Strange figures and objects pop up in Haven as the group works on the Fan symbol murders. Duke and Sam start to get serious, or do they?

Previously on Haven/Haven Rewrite: Sam, The Good Shepard’s new Reverend, who is trying to unite all of Haven in community, has slept with Duke. Sam’s admitted that she loves him and Duke can’t seem to get her out of his head. But she’s made Duke aware they if she’s going to go out with him he’ll need some heavy re-conditioning, such as attending Bible study. Audrey, Dwight, and Nathan have discovered that a group of at least three people are making the troubles worse, killing people and taking their hearts.


Audrey, Nathan, Dwight, and James talk in the police station, reviewing what they know about the fan symbol murders, a symbol of a fan is left on each of the bodies, there is three people killing as evident by the three different heart murders, during the time of a trouble where hearts were remove so the killer had to know something about that trouble. And the victims have no connections to each other- even Dave and Vince hasn’t found a connection. They write out a timeline starting with Shelby, who was the first fan victim.

In a room filled with smoke a hand holds a syringe taking blood from the back of a woman with dark hair, in the center of a four person tattoo. A skirt is pulled up and a four person tattoo flashes onto the lower thigh of a woman. Another hand sticks a syringe into the center of the tattoo filling a vial with blood.

On a Rainy night outside a movie theater someone in a hooded poncho is attacked by another hooded figure. There’s a fight and the person in the poncho wins as the attacker scampers off. Behind this person there’s a gray figure, his head bobs back and forth up and down so fast it’s a blur and he shrieks like he’s a demon.

Act I

Sunday morning, Duke, dressed up shows up at the Good Shepard Church. The service is full of guard and non-guard members. It’s so full Duke has to stand as he hears Sam preaching. He enters as she says; “Recently I had to confess to my confessor. I am not perfect. I too sin.” She looks up and sees Duke in the crowd and stares glad he’s there. Others stare at him. She continues, “We are growing as Christians and some of us are seedlings and some have leaves, others have already produced fruit. It is not our duty to determine who is not suited for the Kingdom of God, God speaks of his harvest which he will reap in Matthew 13 verses 18-30. It is his job to separate the wheat from the thorns otherwise we may pull up some wheat as we try to get the thorns out ourselves. Everyone has probably been in a group experience where they disapproved with how things were being done some…” Duke stands listening.

On the edge of the forest Audrey and Nathan come up to a crime scene. A hole has been dug and police tape surrounds the area. Audrey says, “What’s up? You pulled us out of Church.” He tells them that the man has the fan mark like the others. Audrey and Nathan go down to the body. The corner asks about the church service. Audrey says they’re really good. The coroner doesn’t like the idea of church. Audrey says, “Not religious?” “No, too many people.” Audrey nods and chuckles. Cause of death is still a mystery, but the coroner is guessing it’s in the brain since blood is dripping from his eyes. Audrey wonders out loud, “What are they up to?” Nathan says, “Nothing good.”

After Church outside as the last people leave, Sam turns to Duke who waits. “It’s nice of you to come.” She says. Duke steps up to her, “Well, Christianity has a lot of similarities with Buddhism and I tried that for a while. I really liked your speech.” She nods saying, “Thank you.  We overeducated call it a sermon.” Duke gives her an inquisitive look. “It’s supposed to be a lesson.” She informs him. “Well I learned a lot. I like how you ended with a focus on encouraging those who are seedlings and really caring for each other through the power of the Spirit. I really felt empowered then. I think you may be onto something here. When is the next Bible study?” Duke asks. She turns to him, “Duke, you didn’t come here for the sermon.” “No, I did” She gives him a look, “Okay I came for you but now I’m really interested. Really.” She hands Duke a small piece of paper, “the Bible studies are listed.” She says. Duke says, “Great, thank you.” He starts to walk away, as he does she calls to him, “Duke,” He turns to her, “You free for lunch.” Duke smiles, “I am.”


Duke and Sam walk in front of the church as they have coffee. “I like our morning coffee,” Duke says, “It’s a little early for me but I get a good start on the day.” He’s not convincing. Sam turns to him with a slight attitude says, “It’s once a week Duke, the Gull is closed the night before.” Duke nods, “Yeah, but it’s still early. I like them though I really do.” Sam steps closer to him, “Maybe we should go out on a real date.” He looks down at his coffee, “And what would happen on a real date if we can’t…” She smiles, “Eating, talking. Asking how the other’s day was.” He nods. “And then dropping you off with a goodnight kiss.” “Or me driving my own car home.” Sam says. “Sounds like a first date that didn’t go well.” Duke comments. “I’ll kiss you at the door of the restaurant.” She leans into him and kisses him deeply. “Okay” he relents, “the Gull, Thursday.” “What about Friday?” She asks. “I’m going out of town for a couple days leaving Friday.”, “Thursday then.” She gives him another deep goodbye kiss. “Reverend Lewis.” An older woman who stands and watches them chides Sam and glares. Sam and Duke break the kiss, Sam leans her forehead against Duke’s chest and utters “sorry”. The women yells, “Get in here, right now.” Duke whispers, “Into the Lions Den.” She nods and goes inside.

Inside, a group of people wait for her, people who are dressed in Sunday best. They are very polite asking her when she’s going to talk to Duke. She sits at her desk and asks, “Talk to Duke?” An older man says, “About killing people for us.” Sam looks at then attentively, a young man stands up eager, “Troubled people to end their family’s trouble. Kill the man kill the trouble.” He says like it’s a lyric to some catchy tune. “That’s why you’re dating him?” says the older woman who was watching her in front of the church. “Yes.” Sam says nodding, “I will talk to him…in my own time.” The older man stands, “Well don’t take too much time.” A middle aged woman nods as she picks up her purse to leave she turns to Sam “I have to say, dating him was a brilliant way to get him to work with us. He can’t avoid those women you know.” The woman says. Sam nods. The people leave Sam picks up the phone.

At the high school the bell rings, students rush out of a classroom as the young male teacher reminds them their reports about the dreams for their future are due next week. The students run out of class a short boy is teased by some jocks, “Move out of the way Stuart.” The student drops his binders and papers on the floor. He stays back to pick them up. The teacher turns to the student and helps him, “Mike, are you okay?” He asks. The student says, “Yeah.” The teacher hands him the papers he picked up. “Why do they call you Stuart?” “Because I’m little.” The teacher nods, “Stand up for yourself.” “Nah, it’s just easier not to, but thanks for noticing most teachers just ignore it.” The teacher looks sad, “You’re welcome Mike.” Mike walks into the hall and the teacher watches him. The hall is busy, someone bumps into the teacher and he ignores it as he watches Mike. The two jocks come up to Mike and tease him. The teacher jumps about to intervene but Mike tells them to stop it. “What are you going to do?” A jock says. Suddenly in a blur a man, in a mas and a yellow spandex suit with a cape comes from out of nowhere and grabs a jocks arm as he’s going to push Mike, “No pushing. Bullies never prosper.” He says and everyone is shocked. “I hope I don’t have to come back here.” The masked man says and disappears in a blur. Everyone is stunned.

Act II

Audrey and Nathan show up at the School, they have just finished taking statements. They trade notes, everyone has said the same thing. A masked man came in and stopped the bullying. They know it’s a trouble but Nathan comments, “this might be one we may not want to stop”. The question Audrey is concerned about is, if someone is dressing up as a hero and using their trouble they could get hurt or worse hurt someone else. “So” Nathan says annoyed, “what will we do when we find him? Put him in jail for stopping a bully without hurting him. He hasn’t done anything criminal yet.” Audrey says, “Yet being the operative word. He’s showing signs of vigilantism which is criminal. Nathan, I know you like the idea of there being someone to stop the bullying but-” “I just don’t want to punish someone for doing the right thing for once.” “We’re not going to punish him, but we can talk to him. At this point I think all we can do is wait, see if he shows up again and depending on what he does we’ll figure it out.”

Thursday night Sam shows up at the Gull, Duke has a private table waiting for them with a meal all set up outside. She tells him he didn’t need to go all out. He wanted to. He pulls out her chair and once they’re seated her phone rings, she looks at it and apologizes, “I’ll put it away.” She says as she does and tells him, “It’s the wedding planning. It’s driving me crazy.” Seeing him look at her eyes bulging out of his head she puts both her hands on the table, “Duke, I’m a Reverend I’m marrying other people.” He swallows the wine in his mouth and nods then realizes he messed up, “This is not a good start is it.” She shakes her head, “No,” she takes a swing of wine, “But while things are awkward I might as well mention, I heard about your trouble.” He breaths deeply saying, “I was going to tell you.” She smiles, “Duke, you don’t have to tell me anything.” He looks at her curiously, “Now if we were getting married you would…” He chuckles and she continues, “But I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep things from me like you have any reason to be ashamed. I know it must be hard living with that constant choice kill or watch others possibly die. And I know no matter what choice you’ve made in the past or make in the future I can’t judge you.” He looks at her with great admiration, “You are a remarkable woman.” Sam continues, “I am a little biased…I talked to my dad after I found out and…my parents left Haven right after my dad’s trouble disappeared, right after his grandfather was murdered.” Duke sighs, “My Father.” She nods and puts her hand on his, “I just want you to know, you don’t have to keep secrets from me.” Duke looks into her eyes and takes her hands. He takes a deep breath and says, “I’ve killed.” She listens intently without judgment, “The first person I killed was an accident I’d just found out the family secret and there was a trouble…”

That night Nathan sits on Audrey’s couch as she sits by him asleep.  He looks over some paperwork, evidence from the fan murders spread out around them. Her eyes darting back and forth underneath her eyelids indicate she’s dreaming. She starts to shake her head back and forth terrified, Nathan shoves the paperwork aside and takes hold of her. Awake she hugs him. “You’re alright.” He says like this is old hat for them. “I feel asleep. Why didn’t you wake me?” “You haven’t been sleeping well Audrey, I don’t like these nightmares.” “I don’t either but I can’t do anything about them.” Audrey looks down, “I don’t want to have this fight again. Let’s just look back at the case.” Audrey pulls away from him and they look back down at the evidence. They talk about the case in addition to the man’s body, there’s two others that have shown up in the last month and that’s just the ones they know about. All of them have the symbol of the fan etched into their skin. He wants to take the night off but she feels it’s important because she remembers the symbol from a previous life. Upset she sits on the chair hugging her legs like a scared little girl and wonders if she’s somehow responsible for all this. Maybe that’s the something bad, maybe that’s why she shouldn’t have stayed so long, why she had to go into the barn. Nathan won’t let her think this he denies it flat out, it’s not her. It’s not who she is. As he hugs her there’s a noise outside. Nathan says he’ll check it out and looks outside. When Nathan doesn’t come back Audrey grabs her gun and goes down to see where he’s gone.

At the bar Audrey sees there’s a stuffed Black Teddy Bear dancing around all happy. He dances around with the yellow spandex man. Nathan dances around too. Audrey stares. Then a cowboy comes in and holds up his gun, aiming it at a large man, “You’re a bad man and you need to get out of town.” He says. Audrey holds up her gun, “put down the gun.” She demands. “Dance”, the Black Teddy Bear says dancing on the bar. People laugh. Dave at the bar scoots over to Audrey, “I swear I’ve seen that cowboy before.” Vince stands, “There’s bandits over the hills.” He says to the cowboy and the cowboy turns to him, “Where?” has asks, “Over the hills out yonder.” The cowboy runs out front. Audrey watches the whole thing speechless she runs out after the cowboy and he disappears. Nathan follows her. They both look to each other and say, “what was that?”


Inside the Gull, Audrey turns to Vince and Dave who are bickering saying, “No it was Far out West.” And “You’re wrong is was ‘The Other Side of the River’.” Audrey asks what just happened. Dave and Vince explain that the cowboy is from a movie, though they can’t agree on which one. Nathan points to the Black Bear still dancing on the bar, “I swear I’ve seen that bear before.” A teenager says, that yellow guy’s from the driver’s Ed movie.” And Audrey says, “they’re all from the movies”. Then Nathan figures it out, “The Bear was in Play Time with Black Bear Mombo.” Audrey, Vince, and Dave stare at Nathan and Audrey says, “How do you know that?” Nathan says, “What I, watch little Benjamin sometimes for Beati.” Audrey then puts the pieces together if the hero (the yellow guy), the Black Teddy Bear and the cowboy are all from the movies, the hero’s not the troubled person someone else is doing this. But it could be anyone and not everything that came out of the movies was friendly.

Outside at the private table Duke and Sam are sitting at dinner, their plates empty, “The guy who was farming his children’s body parts had set off the trouble in all his family members so they’d need replacements too and…I didn’t want to do it but I knew I could save them. Those two are the only two people I’ve killed.” Sam looks at him with compassion. She places her hand over his she says, “It was a hard choice to make.” He nods and as she pulls her hand off his taking a sip of water he says, “Wow.” like a burden’s been lifted. He looks at his watch, “I can’t believe I’ve been talking all night.” He looks up to her, “What about you, any secrets?” She turns to him, “I secretly want to strangle this couple I’m marrying.” He gives her attitude, “real secrets?” She scoffs, “I mean it. Sometimes I really hate the world and everyone in it. I know I appear all loving all the time but they can get on my nerves.” Duke nods, “Yeah, sometimes I hate people too.” She shakes her head, “No you don’t. You pretend to hate everyone but secretly you care.” He looks at her not buying it. “When we were freed from our inhibitions, you’re the one who wanted to make sure Vernon was alright after I’d kicked him in the face.” Duke points out in her defense, “he did tie you to a chair all night.” She smiles, “We’re like yin and yang you and I, each have a little bit of what the other has a lot.” He nods, she leans into the table, “Oh, if any of my parishioners come to you about killing for them, I told them I’d talk to you, they kind of thought that’s why I was dating you. Saying yes and sure was just easier.” He gives her a look like he doesn’t fully understand but he nods, “Okay.” She stands up from the table, “I think I should go.” He stands up, “I’ll walk you to your car.” She says, “No, I’m good.” And kisses him deeply. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her deeply. She pulls away and she says, “Now I’m good.” He stands dazed smiling at her as she wishes he’s safe on his trip. She then walks away.

Later that night James walks over to the forest by a line of houses. He talks to Dwight on the walkie. He called him in because the paranoid little old Mrs. O’Riley was talking about teens lighting fires in the forest and he wants him to check it out. James sees a group of people wearing robes around a fire and says, “It doesn’t look like teens but some witch circle from a movie.” Dwight calls him back saying that Nathan and Audrey have stumbled onto a movie trouble, just come back. James does as he’s told.

The next day James comes to the Newspaper Audrey and Nathan agreed to help look for his mother again. Vince and Dave tell him they’re out on a case but they show him a picture of the Colorado kid murder thinking he might be interested in solving a cold one, “where do you start?” they ask him, “with the victim.” He says. Vince and Dave say everyone called him the “Colorado kid, no one knew his name.” James takes interest.

Sam wakes up in the blouse and skirt she wore the night before she stumbles into the bathroom, winces as she pulls down her blouse, underneath it is a spiral symbol etched into her skin, blood peeking through. She puts her hand on it wincing, wondering how she’s going to cover it. She feels her back and lifting her blouse she sees scratch marks. She pulls some disinfectant and bandages from the bathroom cabinet and looks at the spiral on her front again.

At the school Audrey and Nathan talk to the students again. Audrey has a theory the kid who was bullied could be the one doing this. Nathan’s skeptical, a kid at a bar on a Thursday night. Audrey points out it’s also a restaurant and that wouldn’t be the strangest things for a teenager even if it was a bar. But the kid wasn’t there, he had a paper to write. He was at home. She thinks they can see who was at the bar and the school but Nathan points out half the teachers were there. “But which of them cares about the kid”, Audrey says going back to talk to them.

As James searches information about the Colorado kid murder, Audrey and Nathan talk to teachers asking questions like have you ever seen “Play Time with Black Bear Mambo?” and “What do you think about Mike…Mike Stevenson, he’s in your class.” It’s really depressing when the teachers don’t even know who he is.

Suddenly as Nathan and Audrey question the students, objects from sets start to appear in the school; a fighter plane appears in the gym, a witch on a flying broomstick flies down the hall, candles from a ceremony appears in a circle in the quad.

James and Dwight notice objects are appearing in town as well, a spaceship wizzes by as a pumpkin patch appears on main-street, where zombies begin to roam. There’s also a flock of birds, crows.

And As Audrey and Nathan go outside to see the birds they see a giant spaceship.

Act IV

In the school Audrey and Nathan look at a map of Haven and trace out when the episodes occurred. They figure the person responsible had to be in the vicinity of each of them. Dwight’s gotten reports of incidents all over town. A talking Unicorn appeared on Green Street.

Duke even notices an old pirate ship appear in the bay as he takes off in his boat.

Sam, wearing a high collared blouse notices a Virgin Mary, with a child in a manger in front of the church.

Dwight informs Audrey and Nathan that the incidents ended at Juniper Street there’s a cluster of events near 1420, which is Mr. Edmunds house. The English teacher who was upset that Mike was getting bullied. Audrey and Nathan head to Mr. Edmunds house.

When Audrey and Nathan enter Mr. Edmund’s house animals are all around mixed with hippies, a scientist, and some kind of hero. Edmunds is sitting on his couch with a pillow over his head, telling himself to think about anything but the movies. But he can’t help it a beautiful angel appears. Audrey, putting her gun away, tries to talk him down, saying they can help him but he wants them to go away. “Movies used to always make life easier, a place to escape when life got hard but now I can’t escape them.” Audrey says they can help him if he trusts them. Nathan puts his hands on Mr. Edmunds and heals him. Everything disappears.


Back at the police station they speak of how all the sets and animals are gone. Unfortunately the space ship is gone, though James thinks it would have been cool. Dwight thinks it would have been hard to explain.

Vince and Dave come to the station, they have found something very interesting about the fan symbol victims but with the two new bodies it’s probably not the link. Vince and Dave argue whether it’s relevant to tell them since the new victims don’t match the pattern. Dave says they need to look back to the evidence and Vincent insists that they, Audrey, Dwight, and Nathan should know. Audrey, Dwight, and Nathan want to know. Dave tells them “all the victims are decedents of three of the founding families of Haven.” Vince continues, “They are all direct decedents of very strange people outcasts of those families, who were friends.” Dave says they don’t need to know but Vince continues, “It’s said they were witches.” Dave laughs, “Witches during the time of the Salem witch trials there were millions of them.” but Vince says to Dave, “After everything we’ve seen I believe it and you should to.” Vince then turns to the others and says, “There’s more, there was a fourth member.” Dave says, “They were supposedly a coven, chased out or killed by the town.” Audrey asks, “who was the fourth member?” Nathan says that her decedents might be in danger. Vince and Dave shake their heads, “We haven’t been able to find any decedents” Dave says, Vince continues, “And if you did you probably wouldn’t want to. She was the worst of the four.” Dave says, “Everyone was scared of her in the end. They even drew a detailed portrait to remind them of her so no one would ever fall victim to her again.” Vince says they tried to get a hold of it but the records seem to be missing. James comments, “Well that’s not good.” Dave says it could just be a misfiling besides the latest victims don’t match. We’ll continue looking.” Dwight thanks them. Vince follows Dave commenting, “what if the hearts were used to resurrect the witches somehow?” Audrey shivers Nathan asks if she’s alright, “I don’t think so. I have a bad feeling.”

James catches up to Vince and Dave and tells them he’s going to solve the Colorado kid murder. They are excited. Audrey and Nathan overhear and they’re worried, “what if he finds out that he’s the Colorado kid. What then?” Nathan asks. Audrey doesn’t have an answer for him.

Later, Dwight sees James, having called him in. He requests, with Vince and Dave’s new information James goes to check out the sight where he saw the witches in the forest the night before.

James looks at the site. It’s all been cleared away like they were never there. They must have been part of the movie, its right by Mr. Edmund’s house. But it feels weird to James and he finds a pattern of blood, on the grass, it makes a swirl shape.

Tune in Next week (Dec 2nd 18th 2014) for S4 E9 – “Frozen”, When baby Gene comes back into town Duke is unable to get away because the bay inexplicable freezes over. And yes, there are references to the Movie, can you find them.
To catch up on the TV show Haven, read the Haven Character Bios or Haven's Syfy page at http://www.syfy.com/haven and you can catch up on Netflix.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

S4 E7 “Want”

S4 E7 – “Want”— Something is making people give into their wants, and as Nathan’s want is Audrey there’s no one to stop the chaos that ensues.

Previously on Haven/Haven Rewrites: After Audrey shot Nathan in the head and he healed he developed the ability to heal the troubles. Mysterious murders are happening in Haven, and all the people have a mysterious mark, a fan symbol on their body. Sam, the new Reverend has come to town and seems interested in Duke. One night they enjoy a bottle of scotch and end up in bed.

A man in his mid-forties knocks on the door of a nice house, a dark haired woman in her 30s answers asks him, “Frank what are you doing here?” He says, “Zara, I just wanted to tell you that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” She blushes and thanks him asking him if he’d like to come in.

Sam, naked, wakes up in Duke’s bed alone. The clock says its 10am. Seeing her situation she knows she slept with him and groans. She sits up and looks for her clothes to scurry out. Duke enters with coffee. Holding the sheet to her chest she gladly takes a mug, with a quick thanks. As she puts some to her lips he accuses her of trying to sneak out. She swallows staring at him guilty of what he says. He looks to the bed and says, “You’re good at that for a Reverend.” She looks to him confident of herself, “I wasn’t born a Reverend.” He chuckles, “That is clear.” He says. She sighs, “It’s my favorite sin.” Duke looks at her serious, understanding that her use of the word sin implies it was a mistake. He looks a little disappointed. She gets up to get dressed, unembarrassed to dress there in front of him she reveals a Chinese tattoo on her back, “It’s not you,” she says “just timing and intention that’s wrong. I’m not allowed to date one of my congregation, which in a small town with only one church sucks and unlike everyone else you don’t seem to have unreasonable expectations for me so here I can say the word sucks.” He nods with a chuckle. Plus…she pauses done changing she looks at him serious, “I’m in love with you Duke Crocker”. He stares at her shocked and in awe of her honesty and the tenderness. She looks down at the bed, points to it and asks him if he could keep this between them referring to the sex. He nods and agrees. She leaves. He stands with the coffee stunned by what she said.

Audrey, Nathan, and James, on official police business, are at the jewelry store. Nathan, who is quite a bit hung over, reminds James he’s only there to observe. James is eager to help. The store is taped up because there’s been a theft. Audrey comments she didn’t even know they had a jewelry store in Haven. James remarks very serious, “oh you thought that’s why he hasn’t gotten you a ring.” Nathan looks embarrassed. Audrey shakes her head and says “no. I didn’t mean it like that.” It’s awkward between them, they look away from each other and look at the scene. The jewelry shop owner explains a man simply came in and took the jewels, no hiding or anything. They know who he is. A Dr. Pratt, a middle aged therapist is there tells them he’s one of his patience. It might be helpful for him to go with them to Frank, the man’s, house. James offers to stay at the jewelry store and fix the windows. Audrey tells Nathan that something about this isn’t right. Nathan agrees.

Act I

Duke, irritated walks over to the Good Shepard Church. He barges into Sam’s office, she sits at her desk hands locked in prayer. He pays no attention, “You can’t just leave after saying something like that.” he says. She opens her eye and looks up to him. She is silent, knowing he’s mad and nothing she can say he’ll hear. “What am I supposed to do with ‘you love me’?” She shrugs and says, “Whatever you want.” Duke is irritated, “you are really infuriating, you get into my head and I can’t get rid of you, you’re like a parasite.” Sam smiles, she’s aware that he cares for her and flattered by it but she suppresses the smile. She stands saying, “Let me make this easy for you. You’re not the kind of guy to take on abstinence or settle down at least not without some heavy re-conditioning, which you don’t want to take on so unless by some miracle you decide that’s what you want walk away, just walk away Duke.” She says, tears form in her eyes. She cares about him but knows they aren’t right for each other. He tilts his head and says, “But… I can’t and” he points his finger at her, “that’s your fault.” He says annoyed. She stares at him and he at her, they stare in silence. She speaks casually, “There’s a Bible study in an hour.” He glares at her, “Seriously.” He says. Her hands outstretched she argues, “Serious reconditioning Duke those are your options.” He sighs a heavy sigh. There’s a knock on the door, a smooth Georgian cautiously enters. Sam looks up surprised to see him, the man looks to Sam and begins to speak in a southern drawl, “I’m sorry to interrupt.” He says, “But there’s a couple that’s been waiting for you said they had an appointment. I thought I’d just let you know.” Sam stares at the man, “What are you doing here?” she asks shocked. “Surprised to see me, I hope it’s a good surprise. I had to come but I’ll wait my turn. I know you’re busy.” He turns to Duke, “Hello, I’m Vernon,” and offers his hand, “Sam’s fiancĂ©.”

Duke stares at him. “FiancĂ©.” He says shocked. Vernon nods and Duke takes his hand, “It’s nice to meet you.” Sam looks at them shaking hands, dread all over her face. Bitter Duke says, “Well, I’m going to go.” Sam asks him to wait but Duke bolts. She asks Vernon to wait and goes after Duke.

In front of the church she runs past Duke, “Duke Stop.” She says. “Why, you’re engaged there’s nothing more to talk about.” As Sam walks backwards to keep up with Duke she pleads with him, “I didn’t know he was going to come to Haven. He’d made it clear he wouldn’t.”

“Well he’s here now.”  Duke says, and rushes past her. Sam is left by herself in an uncomfortable situation and a couple stands looking to her, ready to meet with her. She looks to them with a smile.

Audrey and Nathan are at Frank the thief’s house, Dr. Pratt with them. It is filled with junk food. Frank in his mid-forties is frantic, “but I want it” he demands as he tries to put a toy back together. Audrey tries to talk to him to get him to calm down and come with them. When he sees Dr. Pratt he gets annoyed and tells him, “no, no I won’t.” Dr. Pratt tries to reach out and touch him to calm him but Frank bolts and runs into Nathan, pushing him down as he runs out the door.

Act II

At Frank’s house Audrey makes sure that Nathan’s alright and asks Dr. Pratt what’s going on. Dr. Pratt doesn’t understand Frank, his patient, he’s usually so calm and collected, “his desires shouldn’t be doing this”. Audrey suspects it may be Frank’s trouble and tells the anxious Dr. Pratt not to worry they’ll find him.

Vernon walks through the town of Haven. Vince and Dave run into him, not recognizing him they pry asking him if he’s visiting. Vernon tells them that his girl has just moved there and he’s going to stay. Vince and Dave ask who the girl is and when he says Sam, they are pleased to meet him. Vince and Dave gush over her, happy to talk to him. As they do a man, Frank, runs through all panicked bumping into Vernon. Vernon stops and steadies him, “wow, there.” He says, “You don’t want to fall on your face now, better look where you’re going and at what speed.” Frank nods and proceeds cautiously. Vince and Dave commend him for being so much like Sam, “helpful, just like her.” They say Haven’s really lucky to have her they wrote the most interesting article on her. Vernon asks them to send it to him. They wonder why she didn’t get him a copy, Vernon says, “Unfortunately she’s so very busy.” Vince and Dave nod as Vernon continues, “I’m actually kind of on my own right now, haven’t even got to talk to her since I arrived and I’m looking for a job. Being the newspaper boys in town maybe you can help me.” Vince and Dave are willing to help, “What are you looking for?” “Back in Georgia, I was a police officer.” Vince then asks, “How much do you know about Haven?” Dave pries more, “Did Sam tell you her family was from here?” Vernon nods. “Her father’s told some very colorful stories about Haven.” Vince and Dave nod unsure whether he understand how colorful things are.

Back at the police station Audrey and Nathan sit at their desks doing work on their computers. Nathan sees a box of donuts and takes the two left. Audrey finds that curious and asks him if he’s alright saying, “Didn’t you just have lunch”. He says he’s hungry. Audrey sees Dwight talking to the coroner and goes up to them asking if there’s any news about the mark they saw on the bodies last night.

Dwight, Audrey and Nathan, following Audrey go into an interrogation room to talk. The coroner has done some more work and realized that the four unsolved heart thefts were killed by three different people, one was left handed, two skilled with a scalpel, and one yanked out. They don’t have one serial killer on their hands, they have three. Dwight, Audrey, and Nathan have tried to connect the bodies. As they talk Nathan is not paying attention but eating his donuts and enjoying them immensely. Dwight says he’s going to talk to Vince and Dave about researching further. Audrey agrees and suggests they bring in James, he should know, it might concern him. Dwight says he’ll think about it. Audrey brings up how it’s interesting that the hearts were taken at the same time that the woman was taking hearts. She implies that the trouble may have been irritated on purpose, they already know that the mother knew about the trouble and tried to tell the best friend maybe other people knew. Dwight sees logic in the argument but wonders how would someone make a trouble appear? Audrey says, all you really have to do is make them upset. “Still,” Nathan says with a mouth full of donut, “why would someone want four hearts?” Audrey doesn’t know, she’s still working on that. She flashes back remembering a forest, hearts in jars, figures stand in robes, and smoke burns, as chanting sounds. Her flashback ends, a bit of blood drips from her nose. Dwight asks her if she’s alright. “Yeah, I’m okay.” Dwight suggests that she get some rest and looks to Nathan who is enjoying his donuts immensely, looking at him strangely Dwight tells them to both go take a day or so. They were up late last night, he’ll let them know if Frank shows up, he’ll show up eventually. Nathan exclaims, “that’s what I said.” Audrey says she could use a nap and Nathan having finished his donut yawns, drums on his tummy and says a nap sounds good. Both Nathan and Audrey, who rolls her eyes about how Nathan is acting, leave.

Vernon enters the police station and asks to talk to the chief.

In Dwight’s office Dwight shakes Vernon’s hand and they have a friendly chat about Vernon joining the Haven PD. He refers to Sam as his fiancĂ©, which makes Dwight pause but he lets out a surrendering sigh.   Dwight says he’ll think about the job. He might ask him to come in again right now things are pretty hectic. Vernon nods, understanding and says he’ll have a late lunch.

That night at the Gull, Duke is annoyed muttering to himself about “her fiancĂ©”, with his perfect hair and polo shirts. They’re probably ironed, he mutters annoyed.

Sam shows up all dolled up. Vernon is with her. Duke is really annoyed and tells the hostess to sit them outside on the patio.

Sam and Vernon are seated on the patio. Looking at the view, Vernon says he could get used to this. Sam asks him if he’s here to stay. He tells her to “hold on, we should enjoy ourselves before any heavy talk”. Sam sighs, feeling stifled she shuts up but is annoyed.

Inside Duke moves to peak out at the patio. The hostess comments on why he didn’t sit them inside if he wants to spy. Duke says he doesn’t want to see them and tells the hostess to send a complimentary order of calamari. She agrees.

As Sam and Vernon get the complementary order of calamari Sam is shocked, it’s her favorite. Vernon is annoyed, says that’s gross and get it away from me. Sam apologizes they refuse the order. She turns to Vernon and demands to know why he’s there. He says he wants her, he’s there for her and he’s staying. She argues that it’s been months and she doesn’t know if she wants to marry him. He says he wants to marry her and he’ll do anything. He begs her to forgive him. She sighs and relents to give it a chance and takes his hand at the center of the table.

Duke from inside sees them hand in hand, he sighs.

Dr. Pratt, at his home, gathers up some rope and duct tape. He mutters to himself that “it’s not supposed to work like this.”

Later in the night Sam, after dinner Vernon is happy with the meal. She says she needs to freshen up and she goes inside. As she walks to the bathroom she’s met with Duke. He turns from her and she grabs his arm. “Duke, I’m sorry.” He says, “as long as you’re happy, that’s all I want.” She nods, and whispers, “thank you.”

Dr. Pratt goes to Frank’s house and as if he knows where to look finds him in his basement of his house. Frank in the corner rocks back and forth holding his legs to his chest. When Frank sees Pratt he is frantic and waves a gun around at him. Frank demands to know what Pratt did to him and Pratt tries to get him to calm down asking him how did it go with Zara?


Frank is frantic waving his gun around. Pratt tries to get him to calm down asking him ‘how did it go with Zara?’ Frank’s is upset she turned him away and even after he went back with those jewels she still wouldn’t have him. And now people are chasing him he just wants to be left alone. He holds out a gun and Dr. Pratt backs away but as Frank leaves he charges for the gun and in the struggle Frank cuts his hand on a shelf, and Dr. Pratt is knocked unconscious.

In the morning, Audrey wakes up to the sound of banging on the door. She gets up and opens the door. It’s Nathan. As she gets her stuff to leave she asks him if he’s feeling better. He enters and closes the door. He takes her hand and says, “Yes.” He strokes her hand and says “I’m sorry that I haven’t made love to you yet.” She’s shocked and starts to turn bright red. “The truth is that I wanted it to be special. I wanted to tell you that.” She, shocked, comments, “that’s a very bold thing to admit.” He pulls her close to him and kisses her deeply. They kiss deeply and fall over the bed.

At the jewelry store James is still busy fixing up the windows. Frank comes by frantic, he steels some food and water off one of the tables at Joe’s coffee next store. James goes to see if he’s alright. Placing his hand on his back he asks him what’s going on. The Jewelry store owner outs Frank as the man who stole from them. Frank runs and James runs after him but Frank pulls the gun on him and James backs off telling him the cops are looking for him they’ll find him unless he brings him in and they sort out all this. Frank runs away.

James enters the police station to tell Dwight about Frank, he notices the cops are all messing around, flying paper airplane and acting like children. James asks what’s going on? Dwight, who is decked out in obscure weapons ignores James comments about Frank and asks James to come into his office. They enter Dwight’s office where Dwight begins to tell him about the missing hearts and the mark like he’s on a mission.

Nathan and Audrey lay in bed together. Cuddled up to Nathan, Audrey is smiling happily. Nathan nuzzles her. She talks about how they should get to work. Nathan doesn’t want to, he wants to stay in bed with her. She’s touched and saying that Dwight did give them time she gives in kissing Nathan deeply.

As Dwight tells James the mark is a secret James takes everything with a yes chief, very committed. Dwight is pleased with him. James assures him to let him know what he can do.

Duke walks through the street whistling, flowers in hand and chocolates under one arm. Vince and Dave asks him how he is. Duke says he’s wonderful as he takes out his phone and makes a call. He asks to speak with Sam and finds out she’s not there, “but I wanted to talk to her.” He says and listens, “okay, I will go to her house.” he says.

Duke drives to Sam’s house. As he approaches the door he sees through the window that she’s tied to a chair, duct tape on her mouth.

Inside, Vernon is in the bedroom packing her clothes. “I want you Sam, in Georgia, so I am going to take you out of this little crazy town and we’re going to be happy together. You’re going to put aside all this Reverend nonsense and accept how my family feels that woman should not be Reverends.”

Duke enters quietly and goes up to Sam, taking off the duck tap. “Oh, Duke, thank you.” She says, “He’s gone crazy.” She leans up to him, “I really want to kiss you right now.” She says but tied to the chair she’s unable to kiss him. He puts down the flowers and chocolates, an offering for her. “I got you some flowers and Chocolates. I didn’t know what you liked but I want you to be happy.” She coos happily, “Untie me.” She says and he does as she asks. She hugs him and kisses him. Vernon enters. “No,” he demands, “you will not leave me.” Sam kicks him right in the face and Vernon falls unconscious. Duke is shocked and wants to make sure that he is okay but Sam pulls Duke away and he follows as if he’s willing to do anything she asks.

Outside he tells her to get in his truck. She does.

Inside the truck she asks where they’re going, all lovey-dovey. He says the police station to report what’s happened to her, he wants to protect her.

At the police station things are getting more out of control as officers are destroying their desks and doing races with the rolling chairs. Duke and Sam enter. Duke takes her to Dwight’s office as James and Dwight step out. “We need to report abuse.” Duke says, as he says it Frank comes in with the gun. He holds up his gun and says, “I want to be left alone.” He starts to shoot up the place. Dwight hustles pushing Duke and Sam into his office just as the bullets come towards him he closes the door and they hit the steel plated door heading straight for Dwight. Dwight goes into ranger mode, “we’ve got to get him surrounded.” He says. Duke and Sam on the floor of Dwight’s office embrace all lovey-dovey asking each other if they’re okay. Dwight says “Oh, I want to yack.” And makes a yacking sound. “You have a fiancĂ©.” He argues. Sam stares at Duke in love. Dwight stares at her and by impulse he leans in and kisses her. She shrieks and then leans into it but Duke pulls her away.

Frank, in the police station holds his gun up mad. The police officers are gone. James in the corner, crawls around Frank and out of the police station. Franks fires again.

Inside Dwight’s office as Duke glares at Dwight for kissing Sam they hear shots. Dwight runs for the door, bullets pound against the door but not through it as Dwight leans against it.

Act IV

James pounds on Audrey’s door. He tries it, it opens and he sees Nathan and her in bed making love. “James” she exclaims in shocked. James turns away telling her they’re needed at the police station there’s a trouble. Audrey immediately starts getting dressed. Nathan whines that he doesn’t want to leave. James with his back turned to them exclaims that Nathan’s been effected, “it seems that everyone is giving into their wants”. Audrey pauses, holding Nathan back, “no desires” she says and realizes what’s going on. “Dr. Pratt said Frank’s desires shouldn’t be doing this to him. He knew and he’s contagious because Nathan touched him.” James is nervous, “I touched him too.” She turns to James, “what do you want?” James shrugs, “I really want to help you.” She says, “good” and asks him if he can get Dr. Pratt. James agrees.

Dr. Pratt at his house is nursing a wound on his head.

Audrey walks up to the police station. Nathan follows her, he wants to go back to bed with her. She tells him, “Nathan, remember you’re a cop, you help people, heal them, you want to heal this man so we can go back to bed right.” Nathan agrees.

Audrey, gun drawn goes inside the station and sees Frank with his gun. She addresses him, “Frank, you want this to be over right.” He looks to her and nods. Nathan doesn’t like this, he wants to leave.

Duke, Sam, and Dwight in Dwight’s office hear what is going on and open the door.

Dwight shoots him with a beanbag gun Audrey yells “stop” then Duke grabs Frank’s gun and some blood from his hand falls on Duke’s skin, “Duke.” Audrey yells but the blood doesn’t seep into Duke’s skin. Audrey confused says, “He’s not troubled.”

“No, I am.” Dr. Pratt behind Audrey stands with James. Pratt holds an ice pack to his head.

Everyone stares. Sam hugs Duke and she hugs him, both lovey-dovey. Dwight holds the beanbag gun on Dr. Pratt. Dr. Pratt says, “I thought I was helping him to do what he’d wanted to do for so long, ask his neighbor Zara out, it’s what I do but it’s never become contagious before. I never meant for this to happen.”

Audrey asks if Pratt would be willing to give that up to help Frank and everyone there. He nods. Nathan moves to heal Pratt.


Everyone stands around awkward as the ambulance pulls away with Frank and Pratt.

Sam, unable to look at Duke says, “I hope they’re going to be okay.” Duke says, “I’m sure they’ll take care of them”. Dwight who no longer has his beanbag gun thanks Audrey. She says she couldn’t have done it without James, “apparently his greatest desire is to be helpful”. Dwight shoots James a look of thanks. James comments to Dwight, “and your desire is to be a commando.” Dwight looks down at his decked out uniform and says, “Apparently and…” he turns to Sam, “I’m sorry about the…” “Oh, it was nice.” Dwight steps back and looks to Sam and Duke, “You two ha?” Audrey looks at them shocked, “Duke and Sam?” She says surprised. “Apparently.” Nathan says.

Duke and Sam step aside for privacy, “We haven’t talked about.” Sam says. Sam puts her hands to her mouth, “on no, Vernon.” Duke and Sam get into his truck.

Duke and Sam show up at her house, where they wake up Vernon. He asks, “What happened?” Sam turns to Duke, “Can I talk to Vernon alone.” Duke nods.

Duke waits outside in his truck and a few moments later watches Vernon leaving with his bags as he yells, “they’re all freaks,” Sam yells back, “which is why you need to leave. All you wanted to do was control me.” Vernon goes in his car and Sam seeing Duke there smiles at him. Duke waves motioning to her asking if he should come inside. She shakes her head and walks inside. Duke is disappointed.

That night Nathan and Audrey are at her place, they’re eating at the couch, “You want some desert?” She asks. Nathan is embarrassed. “I actually bought cookies.” She says and shows him cookies. “Oh.” He says and they both take one, “It was nice” she said, “no matter how it happened.” Nathan nods. Audrey continues, “You know we still don’t know how Pratt’s trouble got so bad. It’s like someone’s making them worse.” Nathan says, “You think it’s related to the woman who turned to stone.” Audrey continues, “Maybe but this is different the woman was compelled to activate which anyone can do Pratt’s trouble morphed which is not normal.” Nathan continues, “Maybe it’s that thing you’ve been afraid of.” Audrey looks off in space, “Yeah.” Her face full of dread. Nathan takes her in his arms, “I think I am ready for dessert.” She smiles, hugs him and they kiss deeply.

Next Week on Haven. S4 E8 – “The Nobel and the Witches” Strange figures and objects pop up in Haven as the group works on the Fan symbol murders. Duke and Sam try to navigate a serious relationship.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

S4 E6 "Heart of Stone"

S4 E6 “Heart of Stone” – Drama erupts in Heaven as couple’s fight, even Nathan and Audrey when he learns she shot him in the head. And the pair are fighting as hearts start going missing.

Previously on Haven/Haven Rewrites: Audrey shot Nathan in the head. Now he can cure the troubles, but they don’t know how it works. It doesn’t always. Nathan and Audrey are getting closer romantically but something is in the way. James has returned to town and Audrey lied about knowing his mother. She’s his mother and Nathan is his father. Duke’s supposed to be killed by a man who has a four person tattoo on his arm. Jordon, a member of the guard, is Nathan's x girlfriend and they didn't part on great terms.
Season Four Episode Six

In the late afternoon Audrey and Nathan walk into the police station. Inside the police station, Audrey and Nathan report to Dwight. It’s been months since the Jesus complex incident Nathan and Audrey have been systematically curing people with Vince, the guard’s, and Dwight’s help. Jordon wasn’t so happy to see them but happy that the people they needed to help were being helped. Dwight convinces them to slow down and take the night off, they haven’t taken any time for themselves.

As people walk along the streets of Haven, a man, hidden under baseball cap walks by Duke and bumps into him. “Watch it.” Duke says. As the man passes by the circular four person tattoo flashes in and out of his arm. He walks like he’s on a mission. Duke glares and moves on. The man as he passes a husband fighting with his wife about her “drama” passes his hand over the man and it casts a shadow on the husband. The husband fights louder and more angered telling her that he doesn’t want to hear any more drama.

Audrey and Nathan walk out of the police station and witness the fight.  They stop and stare until the man leaves. Then they look to each other, “thank goodness that’s not us.” Nathan says. Audrey nods.  They make a date to meet at the Gull.

At the Gull, Audrey and Nathan have dinner. It’s awkward there is silence. They talk about James, their son. They haven’t seen him recently Audrey admits she’s avoiding him because she promised to help him find his mother and now she has sympathy for Vince and Dave when they were keeping stuff from her. “But, what am I supposed to say I’m your mother and you were born in 1955?” Nathan is annoyed she’s keeping things from James, he would want to know something that important. She feels guilty she hasn’t told Nathan about the shooting, as is evident when she asks, “even if it made someone you love look awful?” Nathan says, “You don’t look awful, you just have to find the right time. We will.” He says placing his hand on Audrey’s in comfort. Audrey pauses looking away. She knows telling Nathan she shot him now isn’t the right time. She says, “I kind of promised to help him look tomorrow – he heard we were back in town and…” Nathan says he’ll go with her. Suddenly the same husband and wife from earlier enter fighting, the man is sick and tired of her not having done the grocery shopping. She’s angry with him about never doing the shopping either. They fight bitterly. Duke tries to get them to quiet down for the other customers. The husband says “never mind I’m done” he leaves the table throwing his ring at his wife. Audrey and Nathan stare. Audrey turns to Nathan and says, “Wow,” and Nathan nods, it’s awkward between them as they sit in silence. The wife walks away to the restroom.

In the hall, the wife holds her chest and falls to her knees her eyes turn pale.

Act I

In the morning Dwight is at the Gull, there’s a body, it’s a woman but not the wife. The woman’s heart was cut out. Duke’s upset it’s at his place. Sam comes by ready for her Bible Study, she texts the group to meet at the park instead of the Gull.  She prods Duke about joining them and he tells her to save it, she’s been trying this for months and he’s not interested. Dwight says he won’t be able to make the guard Bible study and commends Sam, calling her Reverend Lewis, for the work she’s doing with them. Duke says, that’s why he’s not part of Bible Study the guard doesn’t like him. Sam then corrects him, the Bible Study meeting in the park is not the guard Bible study but just one of many, he’s welcome to any of them. As a woman comes up to Sam, a man behind her, Duke simply walks away. Sam tells the man and woman the Bible study has been moved to the park and they should start without her. She stays at the Gull.

When Audrey shows up at the Harold Vince and Dave start to pry about her depressed mood and she relents talking about Nathan’s lack of attentions to certain matters, referring subtly to the lack of sex, revealing they haven’t yet. He dropped her off and left least night. She finally got him back and now it feels like she doesn’t have him. Nathan shows up before Vince and Dave can respond to Audrey. James is with Nathan.

At the Gull the coroner shows Dwight a rock shaped exactly like a heart and says, "This is either an extremely accurate facsimile of a human heart or..." Dwight continues, "Someone needed a replacement." The coroner nods.  Sam comes up to Dwight and asks if she can help. As people start to come to the Gull Dwight’s says he’s worried about the massive panic. Sam says she’ll take care of it, asks the coroner if they are filming – “yeah." He says. She then goes out front. Duke follows her. She writes on his chalkboard, “Closed for Filming”. People start to leave. He asks her, “Isn’t that a lie? Aren’t you not supposed to lie?” “Just call me Rahab.” “Rahab?” Duke asks. Sam looks to him, “She was a prostitute who lied to protect the Israelites.” “Prostitute Ha?” Duke raises his eyebrows. “She was also an ancestor of Jesus.” Duke stares at her “You are an interesting woman.” he says. “Thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment. You’re not so uninteresting yourself.” He chuckles. She continues, “You want to have a drink sometime?” Duke looks at her flabbergasted, “A drink?” He asks seriously thinking she can’t. “Oh I drink and dance in public and sometimes…” she leans in whispering to him in a mocking fashion, “I even cuss.” Duke laughs. “I don’t think you could keep up with me.” Duke says. “I could drink you under the table.” She says. Duke gives her an odd look like is this girl for real and what’s her angle, “Duke, I am asking you out on a date but if you’re intimidated I get it.” Duke shakes his head, “Oh no, that’s not going to work.” Duke scuttles away saying, “I have work to do.”

At the Haven Herald News Paper clippings are scattered about the table. Audrey, James, and Nathan continue to look over old files to find his mom but, a women with red hair from 27 years ago is all he knows. They find nothing. Nathan tries to encourage him to move on with his life, he’s got friends there. “Instead of looking in the past look to the future.” Nathan says to encourage him and Audrey says, “When I looked to the past I found out I was going to disappear in 40 days and then I kind of wished I’d made the most of the present.” James turns to them, “I’m sure there’s only one of you.” “Well,” Vincent says, “this is Haven.” Dave says, “You could die tomorrow from some sort of terrible trouble.” James shakes his head, “thanks guys this is making me feel great. You know if you don’t want to help me fine. But don’t discourage me. This is what I want.” Audrey and Nathan look down in surrender. Vince turns to James, “Now that’s no way to talk. I don’t know if I even want to help.” Dave looks to Vince, “Vincent stop it you’re being a poor sport for some little words. I mean look at Nathan and Audrey. He’s forgiven her for shooting him in the head.” Nathan pulls his hand out of Audrey’s upset, “What?” He says looking to her shocked. “You shot me.” Nathan says angry. Dave stares, “Oh I thought you knew.” Audrey looks to him guilty, “Is that why I didn’t remember anything.” He asks annoyed. “Probably but…” She says he interrupts, “When were you going to tell me this?” She looks at him in a closed lipped fashion that says she wasn’t ever going to tell him, “You weren’t going to tell me. I can’t believe this.” Nathan starts to storm out, opening the door. Audrey rushes to him, “Can we just talk about this.” “No, I don’t know who you are anymore.” Nathan gets up and walks away. As she starts to follow him he slams the door in her face.

Act II

Vincent encourages Audrey to go after Nathan. Audrey shakes her head, “No, he needs to be mad.” Dave apologizes for bringing it up. She forgives him, “I should have told him myself.” James looks at her staring, “why did you shoot him in the head and how is he alive?” Vince and Dave fight over who gets to explain it so Audrey explains, “I was told that if I killed someone I love, the troubles would be gone for good. So I shot him and he came back to life with the ability to cure people.” She continues to look through the old newspaper clippings, “what about this?” she asks James, showing him a picture of a woman, he looks at it not sure.

Nathan at the police station barges into Dwight’s door, demanding that there’s a case he can work on, someone who needs healing. Dwight presents the murder to him but says he’s on it. The corner then comes in, the chest wasn’t broken open with any weapon he’s familiar with, there was stone found in the wound. A trouble is involved. So Nathan’s on the case with Dwight. The first thing they need to do is talk to her relatives and they’re coming in.

Sam comes by, Nathan asks why. Dwight explains he asked her to come to talk to the dead woman’s mother, who is a prominent member of Sam’s congregation. Dwight glows about how Sam’s been really wonderful, having Bible study with the guard really helping them with their troubles. Nathan teases Dwight for liking her. Dwight denies it but it’s all over his face that he does. As they meet, Sam asks Nathan about Audrey. Nathan doesn’t want to talk about it so she knows something’s up.

In the interrogation room Dwight and Nathan, speak to the woman’s mother, who is sitting with Sam. She was at the restaurant with her daughter, who went to talk to that woman who had the fight with her husband, they are friends and she’d promised the girl’s mother, on her deathbed that she’d protect her from her husband. The woman suspects the man was troubled and as a former follower of Reverend Driscal, who wanted to kill all the troubles “cursed” people, the woman is looking down on the man.
In Dwight's office Dwight suspects that the girl’s mother knew the husband had a trouble. Nathan knows who the woman who had a fight with her husband is and says they need to talk to the husband. They are going to head to the house when. Stan informs them there’s been another murder, a heart stone left beside the body. Dwight says he’ll go to the crime scene and Nathan will head to the husband’s house, "if he’s troubled you’re the best one to deal with it". Dwight then tells Nathan to call Audrey. Nathan shakes his head revealing he’s mad at her and leans over to Dwight and whispers, “She shot me in the head…”. Dwight with his unsurprised reaction reveals that he knew and Nathan is upset Dwight didn’t tell him. Dwight knows they can’t talk about it now and says that he will talk to him about it later. Nathan leaves upset. Dwight sighs and leaves.

James escorts Audrey to the police station. She’s apologetic that they didn’t’ find anything. She says they’ll have more luck another time. She goes into the police station and asks Stan if there’s anything she can do. Another report of a murder comes in. She heads that way.

At a crimes scene, Dwight sees that another heart has been removed from a woman’s chest in seemingly the same manner. A stone heart beside the body.

Over the radio Nathan and Dwight both hear Audrey call in that a man’s heart was ripped out. She stands over the body of a man with his heart missing. A stone heart beside the body.

Nathan is at the husband’s place, he couldn’t have been the one to kill the others, he too is dead with his heart cut out. A stone heart beside the body. The wife hides in the kitchen, as she hears Nathan say the husband is dead she holds her chest and her eyes turn pale a marble like white spreads from her chest to her arms. She touches the door and it makes a thump noise. Nathan realizes he’s not alone and says so over the walkie’s Audrey on one end. He picks up his gun and goes after the woman who hides behind a door.

Audrey is worried at her crime scene. She runs out of the house.


Nathan goes through the house systematically getting closer and closer to the woman who is in pain as the marble like white continues to spread slowly from her chest to her arms. Audrey opens the side door, “Nathan” she yells worried about him. Nathan shots at the woman towards Audrey’s direction, but misses the woman upset to find Audrey there. She’s stunned he shot near her. The wife runs out the back door and through the backyard. Nathan and Audrey run towards the back and get in each other’s way, both going through the narrow door at the same time and almost getting stuck. They cannot see where the woman has gone. Nathan turns to Audrey and yells, “I had her.” Audrey gets mad, “You almost shot me.” “At least I didn’t shoot you in the head.” Nathan says. Dwight pulls up and overhears this. “Why are you even here?” Nathan asks annoyed. Audrey tells him she was worried about him.

As Dwight watches them fight he gets out of his truck angry. He finds out as they continue to quarrel about the woman getting away she got away because they were too busy quarreling. He tells them to go home and work it out. Nathan doesn’t want to. He refuses to work with her. Audrey says she won’t let their personal matters get in the way, Nathan did. It sets Nathan off. Dwight demands their guns and badges. Nathan is mad but hands it over as does Audrey. Nathan storms off ahead of her, still angry with her.

Dwight talks to Stan to put an APB out on the woman and her car.

Sam shows up at the Gull with some ice-cream. She sees Nathan in the bar. She pulls out her cell phone as she heads up to Audrey’s.

Nathan, at the Gull’s bar drinks heavily. James meets him there and talks to him saying Sam said he was there.

Sam sits with Audrey, who’s digging into the ice cream. She doesn’t know if Nathan will forgive her and she cries, “And ever since I shot him I’ve been so scared of losing him, dreaming about him being killed in front of me almost every night. I’m just so afraid. That’s not like me, which makes it worse.” – Sam suggests she talk to him, Nathan. Audrey shakes her head, “no, what I did was unforgiveable.” Sam leans in and says, “Nothing’s unforgiveable, nothing unless you don’t let Nathan forgive you.”

James sits next to Nathan at the bar who is bent over. He tries to get Nathan to leave and go home. Nathan’s obstinate. Duke says he’ll take care of it.

When Sam leaves Audrey’s the Gull is closed she runs into Duke downstairs. He asks how Audrey is with a tone that indicates he knows Nathan and her fought. When Sam asks how he knew he points to Nathan. He’s sitting at the bar very drunk. She asks him if she should get him home before he knocks him over the head with something. Duke chuckles saying he’ll do it –get him home. Nathan flaps his hand at Duke, “No, you will not touch me.” Duke leans over to Sam and whispers, “Once he’s finally passed out.” He comes outside to avoid Nathan closing the door behind him he asks again how Audrey is. Sam asks “Is it Audrey, is that why you shut me down for the drink. Do you love her?” Duke is uncomfortable with her directness and the fact she’s really interested in what he wants. “No,” he says, “I did once upon a time, but I got over it when she picked Nathan, they’re right for each other.” Sam nods. “Well, I guess you turned me down for no good reason then.” Duke smiles, “No, I have good reasons, many of them.” She leans into him, “And they are?” “My reasons.” He says. Sam nods and smiles slightly as if she’s in on some sort of secret. “Yes, they are.” As Sam leaves Duke watches her and says, “That’s trouble.” Sam gets into her car and pulls out.

As Duke wipes down the bar the wife, her body turning into stone comes to the Gull. Duke tells her they’re closed and seeing her he asks if she needs helps. He sets his hand on the bar ready to reach for the gun under it. Nathan looks at Duke’s hand right by his head. He sees his hand on the gun.

Act IV

Duke, at the Gull ready to reach for his gun is attacked by the wife. She grabs him and threatens Duke’s heart about to reach into his chest. Nathan sees and takes the gun from under the bar shoots the woman, and her arm falls off and smashes on the ground.

Audrey, in bed upstairs hears the shot and runs downstairs.

Sam, at her car, hearing the noise turns back.

Nathan falls over drunk. The woman struggles to move. She falls on the ground.

Audrey enters through the side and sees Nathan on the floor. She goes to him afraid he was shot.

Sam gets there and sees the woman on the floor and goes to her, but she can’t touch her she’s turning into stone. Sam, tells them the woman needs help. Audrey and Nathan to go to the woman, who is slowly turning into stone. Audrey helps Nathan get to the woman, but he can’t touch her skin since she’s turning into stone and the process hurts his skin. She dies asking them to find out who killed her husband. Audrey tries to explain she did. She says, “No, I didn’t.” as she dies.


At the Gull Nathan sits at the bar a coffee in front of him.

Dwight enters as the cops take the body away. Audrey asks Dwight if there’s any possibility she did not kill her husband. When Dwight looks at her questing why she’s asking, Nathan explains the woman insisted she didn’t kill him. Audrey insists the wife really believed what she was saying. Nathan says, “Perhaps she was delusional”. Audrey doesn’t think so. Dwight says he’ll check on it and places their badges and guns in front of them. “Before you take them I have to say something.” He says, “Audrey only did what she did to end the troubles, you wouldn’t have the ability to heal people and she would have gone in the barn if she hadn’t done what she did. You’re the one who said, you’d only let her go over your dead body.” Nathan nods and turns to Audrey, “I didn’t know.” Dwight lets them have their privacy. “That’s an impossible choice to make.” Nathan says. Audrey says, “I wasn’t going to do it at first but then I thought about all those people who’d die if I didn’t.” Nathan takes her hands, “You made the right choice.” He says. Audrey says, “Now, let’s get you home.”

Duke, over in the corner is icing his head. Sam asks if he’s okay. Duke, acts all tough and says it’s just a bump, but even though he’s trying to hide it he’s scared. Sam says “goodnight then”. Duke nods.

Later that night Duke’s is on his boat. Sam shows up with some whiskey, which gains her entrance. With the whiskey in front of them they start to talk. As he asks her why she’s there she says, she thought he wouldn’t want to be alone. He’s hesitant to admit it but says he didn’t want to be alone, especially die alone. She steps up to him, “or with Nathan passed out at the bar.” She says. He laughs and wonders out loud why he’s telling her this it’s like she has some power over him. As he admits this he hides his face in a glass of whiskey. She talks about seeing a dead body, it shook her up. Him too. She admits she’s seen dead bodies in China but it’s different. He asks about China, if she really saw evil spirits like Dave and Vincent’s article said. She nods. He thinks it is all bunk. “Really,” She says, “even after what you’ve seen?”

That night, in the morgue Audrey and Nathan come in. Dwight called them in since the morgue attendant wanted to see them. They look at the woman's body. They look at a body, there was a fourth victim with a heart missing, but the time of death and location the woman wouldn’t have been able to get there and to the Gull. None of the other wounds, besides the first one have stone in them and the others have this mark. It is the same mark on Shelby, the woman killed earlier that year. The stone woman only took one heart. They have a serial killer in town.

Sam speaks to Duke on his boat as they drink whiskey about how she pretended to be a Geisha to get out of China. Duke wants to see what that looks like, so she pretends that she holds a fan and shows him. She gets up close to him as if teasing him and she slips he catches her. She looks into his eyes and he stares into hers. She kisses him deeply. He kisses her in return. She kisses him pulling and pushing him towards the bedroom. On the bed they kiss vigorously.


Tune in, in two week (Nov. 18th 2014) for S4 E7 – “Want”— Something is making people give into their wants, and as Nathan’s want is Audrey there’s no one to stop the chaos that ensues.

To catch up on the TV show Haven, read the Haven Character Bios or Haven's Syfy page at http://www.syfy.com/haven and you can catch up on Netflix.