Friday, May 21, 2010

Foolproof Way to Settle the Toilet Seat Dispute

Okay, so if your boyfriend, husband, or brother is not a fool than he'll probably agree with my argument about the matter. For me it's not about the toilet seat it's about the toilet lid. It should be down covering the toilet, because you don't want things falling in the toilet, even if it hasn't been used in awhile. Your toothbrush, electric razor, and deodorant lose their value when they fall in the toilet! And don't even get me started on what happens to a cell phone. And since the seat happens to be under the lid, when you put the lid down the toilet seat goes down too. And the effort is about the same for both women and men. Yes the man has to exert himself a little tinny teeny bit more but since he supposedly has more upper body strength anyway it shouldn't be too hard. And women, this solution means you’re going to have look at the toilet before you go, which is why you've been falling in! It's always a good idea because who knows if it’s clean. This is another bonus to the lid being down, the seat will be cleaner. No hair from shaving or brushing will end up on the toilet seat or microbes from sneezing, dogs won’t drink from it, and those bugs, which we apparently swallow a few of every year won’t lay their eggs on it, or track other nasty things over it.
So when talking about this, communicate that it will be an effort for both parties involved. Both, all parties will have to remember to put the lid down. At the beginning you should be patient if one forgets, remind the person he or she forgot in a gentle non combative manner. Practice, to avoid any conflict. Reminding each other makes people accountable, which will promote the desired behavior. Don’t make them do it, that’s too aggressive and dominates the situation, which could promote defensive behavior and a fight would result. However, if the reminded party offers to do it they dominate the situation but if the reminder argues she or he invalidates her or his position so no argument should occur. There could however be an awkward silence which means you have received good will points. These are points that make it so a woman or man won’t be as mad if you do something stupid before she or he goes to sleep. They do expire when sleep occurs. Of course it depends on what stupid thing you do. And there is a chance if the man or woman has a very good memory that you can cash a lifetime of them in all at once. But don’t count on it and be prepared to risk everything if you try it. Anyway, back to the toilet there is one more piece of advice; the toilet lid when it’s put down use the hand you don’t wipe with because the other person is going to have to use their hand to raise it. Yes they’re going to wash their hands after going to the bathroom anyway, at least I hope so, but still it’s polite. And if you always wipe with the same hand perhaps using the other hand to raise the lid would be a good idea. Who knows what the other person did. Also remember when cleaning the toilet clean the lid as well. And after awhile you’ll find yourself putting the toilet lid down even at a friend’s houses.
And people, man or woman if the person you’re trying to convince is really selfish and doesn’t want to put the lid down. Hang a shelf over the toilet and put their stuff there. And you could put it up so it wasn’t level but I wouldn’t recommend it. That might not be good for your relationship when they found out. Yet after awhile, when they've had to replace everything on that self they should automatically put the lid down.

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