Saturday, October 18, 2008

Stargate Atlantis "Outsiders"

Again I am disappointed. The show was predictable. I knew that the village leader was part of John's plan when he went to the prisoners and told their leader that they should turn over the people the wraith asked for. I was disappointed that John would sacrifice the lives of these humans in an attempt to get the people off the planet. But in a way they would have died anyway just leaving them there. This way they weren't fed upon which would have been far more painful than being blown up. But still it seemed almost inhuman. The Rodney thing however was brilliant but I saw that coming as well. As I said before I want to be surprised, thrilled, and excited. Bringing in some old friends and enemies would be a good way to excite the audience.

The Ex List

The Ex List is a show that anyone can watch any time without having watched every episode. The character dynamics are well established and thought out as well as easy for the audience to follow and appreciate. The plot I fear is going to get a little repetitive but that is why it's just entertaining for when you have time to spare or are home on a Friday night with nothing to do. Since she has to get married within a year the show's life will be short. Once she gets married there will be no more Exs. In order for the show to last longer than a year one of two things has to happen; 1 the shows speed is not proportional to the audience's life. or 2. (this is my idea) Bella gets married and her husband and her get into a car accident. He is killed and if she hadn't gotten married she would have been the one that was killed. This is depressing but her husband that died can't be her soul mate in order for the show to continue as it has been. When it continues she will still have to find the Ex that is her soul mate but now she won't have a strict timeline.
My theory on how the show will end is her latest Ex boyfriend will be the man she's meant to be with because from "Climb Every Mountainbiker" he seemed to still really love her and she seemed to still really care about him. They fit together being there when the other person needs them and knowing how to be there for each other.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fringe Great Plot but more Comedic Relief

"Aren't you glad you got the car washed" was the only line in last weeks fringe that made me laugh. There needs to be more lines like that because in order for a normal human being to be able to deal with all that blood and violence comedic relief is necessary. Yet so far the plot is great especially the threads that are moving throughout the series the one on John Scot. It keeps me on the edge of my seat. However, character needs some work. The main character we are focused on Olivia Dunhum is too stiff and lack of a social life makes her flat which could make her hard to relate to or understand for the audience. I find her a little dull like she's just a vehicle that we are seeing on these things through which in some ways could work as long as the audience doesn't get bored.

Chuck "Chuck verses the Break up"

Chuck was cool this week. They allowed the show to evolve without ruining it like what happened when Buffy and Angel broke up. They made that relationship too central). Anyway Chuck was honest (he didn't lie and say he didn't like her anymore or hurt her with a lie like that) and it was cool they didn't kill off Sarah which I kind of thought would happen because that way they could have her death and other romances for Chuck to make the show grip the audience. Because as history shows a TV show will go down hill when the main characters get married or commit to each other and it becomes that fated love that will last forever. Uncertainty, especially in love is what makes shows go on but there is a way to make the fated love work you have to introduce another love thread that will keep the audience gripped.
Also wouldn't it be cool if Anna ended up Helping Chuck, becoming part of the team if only temporarily. Or maybe she is already a spy and dating Morgan is her way to get close to Chuck. I doubt that but in TV anything is possible.
I had a vision that there was a huge event at Elli's wedding which could be a cool episode. People finding out, Elli at her wedding would be cool too but I think the writers are being hesitant about that because once the cat is out of the bag there's no putting it back in.

Valentine Phoebe's Vision on "Daddy's Home"

My theory; the hair was from Aries and he plans on killing Grace/Aphrodite, his wife.

Stargate Atlantis-Surprise Me I BEG of you

"The lost tribe"-When the crew saw all the wraith in their ship ready to leave, knowing the weapon systems were damaged they should have figured out that the ship was going to collide with the facility. I knew that. I also knew the people in the suites were Asgard but mainly because of the ad. yet this is why Stargate Atlantis is boring because its too predictable. I want to be surprised excited about what comes next.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Knight Rider

I really liked the pilot because they created many a possibilities for where the show could go next. Yet it's getting kind of predictable and we're not getting any more (anything new) information about his forgotten past which is the only thing exciting so far.
Also about this weeks episode "Burning Rubber" I think it's called; Shouldn't mike be able to do whatever he has to do undercover which would include working with Zoe in whatever capacity necessary without complaining or letting other people know he's not really on his honeymoon. The guy at the hotel could have been a bad guy--he didn't know.

Valentine Pilot

A great show! It's kind of predictable but so are the classic princess movies and everybody loves watching those. I really really love watching those. However Valentine needs to make things in between the couple meeting and the happily ever after more exciting. A lot of what they did in the pilot was cliche. There didn't seem to be as much dialogue as is necessary to build hype and anticipation for what's going to happen next. There was just mystery which caused me much confusion. This is not good. More dialogue, and less magic with explainations would be good. Perhaps part of the reason the love story wasn't as involved is because we needed to meet the characters and that took some time away from the love story. Next time it should be more involved.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

House Bones cross over episode

House and Bones need to have a cross over episode, it would have been good last year when they were on the same night and then they could have made it two hours. Well I think it would be really cool because Bones would get on House's nerves and Booth could look like an idiot in front of House and House could then poke and prod at the chemistry between them. The plot would go like this one man dead found by another man who is now sick. Bones would have to find out what killed the first man and thus heal the other man which is where House comes in.

Heroes Season 3

So far things have been pretty messed up on Heroes Season 3. Every time someone tries to help someone else or do something they think is heroic they get into trouble that they can't seem to get themselves out of. And it seems that the longer the show runs the more questions the audience has. When is the show going to start answering some of the questions. Well for me there is one thing that was seriously lacking from the show from the beginning, season one came close but then stopped; when are people going to start communicating with each other, realizing they can't do things on their own---yes I'm talking to you Peter and Claire--if they set up a network on the computer even if it was like under fan fiction or in a private chat room that required like a million passwords then they would be able to connect with each other. Suresh would know what to do with the formula Hiro found and Claire would have had someone to turn to about taking on the bad guys, Mika with his cousin would be able to get in touch with Nathan who could have helped him get into a school under scholarship for the gifted. That's the other thing. I know it's a bit too X-Men but did anyone think--yes you Peter--that they might not be the only one trying to control their powers and that teaching people to control them could be a way to save the world. It's not fare because we have a bid picture view of everything but every time someone needs to save the world it's because someone did something intentionally harming the world. If people learned to communicate and work together they could figure things out sooner and fix them. Isn't what "God" said basically listen to each other and working together--Nathan should really be starting a network and the list that Suresh has would probably help. And if Peter and the invisible man (AKA the 9th Doctor, Dr. Who) taught people how to control their abilities then there could be less accidental "explosions". Speaking of explosions Noah, Syler/Gabriel's son notice how there was no mother present, I'm thinking she could have left because of what he is or she could have died--he could have killed her. But all these could haves are too normal what isn't normal is his son's name Noah which is also Bennet's name Noah--WHAT DO YOU BET SYLER'S SON NOAH IS ACTUALLY NOAH BENNET JUST MADE YOUNG BY AN ABILITY. That would be why there is no mother. It's a theory, part of that theory is that somehow Noah Bennet saved his life or did something to save Syler/Gabriel which then compelled him to be extremely grateful. But if this theory isn't true then where does Syler conceive a son and with whom I mean Noah was about 3 in four years so how is Syler going to find a breading partner in the cement prison he's in.
Okay so I know I am complaining to think that things are always going to go my way but even when bad things happen can't they be exciting to the audience. What excites me is when bad things create new possibilities but the bad things now are closing off possibilities. Three of the worst things are Nicki's death. Wasn't it kind of weird that her body was normal looking in the casket yet she died in an explosion. Wouldn't she be burned and thus they have a closed casket. Mika really better stay away from fire his family has bad experiences with it. The second thing is Peter getting Syler's power--syler never should have given it to him--he should have said find another way there can't just be one way, if you take my power the world will need saving from you, which is why Peter needs a partner. I'll get into that later. The third thing which I think could be okay is Suresh injecting himself with the incorrect formula. Perhaps there is a way to change him back if he has the correct formula. Claire's transformation is also displeasing but I have a feeling next season the world will need saving from another disaster, she'll have died her hair another color in the future, and be in another line of work, like a mother of two (waitress, villain, mother). How would having children be for Claire and would she outlive them---if they didn't have her power she would.
So these are my ideas for the show; they need a Shaman, native American man or woman, to find Peter and have the power to build teams which can create a future people can be proud of. Peter should stop saying he can do things by himself, Hiro would be a good partner for him. Another idea is that someone could be capable of taking away powers-- Peter could get rid of Syler's power and Audrey could get rid of hers. However I think Audrey's power could be an asset to the Syler operation or Adam (Aka Stark, Alias)if they need to be killed. It's possible that whatever she does to people wouldn't be reversed if it was done to them. Another idea I had was Claire doing good with her blood, start an herbal remedies store and put her blood in some of the stuff so that people are cured of their illnesses. I would say pharmaceutical company but I don't think she would get FDA approval to put her own blood in medication (or saline packs was my idea) besides then there would be all kinds of questions. But if she found someone who was willing to keep their mouth shut she could save a lot of people. I mean just a drop of her blood a molecule of it could cure people of anything, cancer, perhaps diabetes, blindness, etc...
Also I want to know if Nathan's kids have any abilities--besides Claire--and how much does his wife know? Perhaps that could be a plot brought back into the story. Also I think it would be cool if Peter went back in time and gave his blood to Simone so she could live again. She had a father with a power or at least he was part of the group and thus she could have a power. Perhaps her power is to take away other people's powers. I would like that a lot. Another character that needs to be reintroduce is the Irish girl what ever happened to her, will Peter run into her in the future, will the future change around her since they haven't all been infected with a plague?
What I don't get is why don't people understand that when they can't be killed it's in their blood and they can share it with the rest of the world, blood donation is anonymous if I recall correctly. Anyway if Syler was taken back into the future by Peter or Peter went back he could save all the people Syler killed with his blood. Which makes me wonder how Claire was able to kill him. I'm thinking she left the bullets in like when she had the branch stuck in her head. Also if Peter stopped thinking about, worrying about preventing disaster and starts to concentrate on creating a beautiful world he would see a difference in the future--has history taught us nothing. Healing the sick and saving people from premature death will always be a good thing but perhaps that would make the show boring. Hence why there are always villains.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm Back...and it's about time

It's been awhile since I posted, I know. I got really busy and then Google bought So, I couldn't enter the site unless I had a Google e-mail account. But until I graduated (I will at the end of this month from college-yeah) I didn't see any reason to have many many e-mail accounts. I like to keep things simple as long as it's my life. Other, fictional people's lives I don't mind making complicated. Anyway as I said before I am graduating from College. Things have changed a little since last time I posted. I decided to double major. I know, my junior year is not the time to double major, hence the being busy. But now I have a backup to writing. I know in the industry that's frowned upon by people who think they're worth their weight in gold but I don't deal with stress, monetary stress, well. So I declared myself a Business major as well as my prior declared major of Creative writing.
Now thinking about College I wish I had done things differently, especially since I am finding it almost imposable to get into the grove of getting a job. In school everyone always told me what to do now I have no least nothing that can promise me results as school implied it would. It frustrates me a lot.
If I had gone a different way I would have majored in a science Field gone into research probably partly because I don't think I have a good bedside manner and they say you can't learn that. Also I love research, trying new things, thinking outside of the box, hence why I am a writer. Actually I like to go over the same old stories but in new and interesting ways.
Or If I had gone a different way I could have gone into psychology and used that in my writing. I could have done history and used that in my writing, especially history before the English language (in any form), that is awesome.
Anyway now I have to face the reality that I'm not going to be doing something I love for at least five years because I kind of went to the wrong school in order to write for TV in a writer's room. What I would really like to do is write Science fiction for TV. Or become a consultant for a troubled TV show tackling the lean dimensions that are necessary to create a successful television show; such as character uniqueness, character interaction,and setting, language, characters, and plot that audiences can relate to. Often I have found that the most damming errors are; not allowing the audience to get attached to the characters, (this is for Drama's or scripted TV) because there is no information about them, beyond their current actions, and another damming error is in plot; the plot being too thick (thus the audience is not able to understand it) or too thin (thus the audience has nothing to really cling to, in terms of content). Perhaps I will share some more of my thoughts on Television.